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Birthday wrinkle inventory

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    Birthday wrinkle inventory

    Every year on my birthday I check out my wrinkles. I don't know why I do this since I'm generally so unconcerned with wrinkles that I neglect any moisturizer that isn't a part of sunscreen.

    At 56 (there, I said it), my face is unlined except for the laugh lines which are branching out into myriad new ones, much like a branch buds.

    However, my knees. They have horrible, horrible wrinkles! Does anything fix knee wrinkles?

    Also, isn't 56 supposed to be ancient?

    :heart: E (former hippie girl)

    Birthday wrinkle inventory

    LOL Eustacia! Happy Birthday to you tho!

    I have no idea about knee wrinkles - can they botox knees?

    Have a wonderful day!



      Birthday wrinkle inventory

      Is today your birthday? Happy birthday if it is. 56 is NOT ancient. It's the new 19 or something like that. Cannot help with the knee wrinkles. I think if you hang upside down from your ceiling they will go away. It's a gravity thing.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Birthday wrinkle inventory

        Accountable and Lushy--

        Yes, it is my birthday and you guys are a hoot! Maybe I should botox my knees (do you think that I'd still be able to walk?) and then hang out in gravity boots for awhile . . .:nutso:

        :heart: E


          Birthday wrinkle inventory

          Happy Birthday eustacia!!

          Don`t know about knee wrinkles either though......sorry.

          Starlight Impress x


            Birthday wrinkle inventory

            Happy Birthday Eustacia!!

            Forget about ur knee wrinkles, What is great is u can still walk! I never heard a man say, check out the knees on that babe, so don't worry about it


              Birthday wrinkle inventory

              :h :h :h

              I think we stop having pretty knees around age 25, so we're way out of the running, honey! If all you have are some laughter lines, you are doing great. And 50 is the new 30, so you're only 36, by my book!

              Lushy, that's a good idea about hanging upside down for the knees, but whatever FAT we have on our legs will all pool in our thighs then!


              Happy birthday again, E!

              Out of smilies,


              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Birthday wrinkle inventory

                HAPPY BIRTHDAY EUSTACIA!!:flower: :bday7: :dancin: urgirl:
                I hope youm have as much fun as I just did on Saturday!
                Love ya!
                I think your knees are purty! LOL
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Birthday wrinkle inventory

                  Ha laughter lines !! Reminds me of somethin I once heard...

                  A little boy asked his mom why she had so many wrinkles on her face
                  she said " they're not wrinkles! they're laughter lines!.

                  little boy said..... "nothins that funny!!!"

                  i think thats a cute one

                  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU
                  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU
                  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU

                  Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                    Birthday wrinkle inventory

                    Happy Birthday Eustacia. Dont worry about those knees. Happy your face looks good.
                    Gabby :flower:


                      Birthday wrinkle inventory

                      Happy birthday for yesterday Eustacia!

                      As for the knee wrinkles - you could try geting a tight pair of cycle shorts to wear as underwear!!

                      They have "gripper" thingies round the bottom of the legs to stop them riding up when cycling - so when you pulled them on they should grab your legs above the knee and counteract gravity's effects on your knees.

                      Kind of like holdup stockings in reverse!

                      Well you have to admit - it MIGHT work!
                      At least I TRIED to give you a practical (if not very elegant!) solution!

                      And NO 56 is NOT old - you are only as old as you allow yourself to be!

                      Me - I am still 10!:H


                      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"

