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What vit/supps to take

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    What vit/supps to take

    Hello! I was just wondering what your vitamin/supplement intake looks like-I have been getting upset stomach's lately and my husband pointed out the numerous vit/supps I am taking. It is a little ridiculous the amounts that I take-about 15 a.m., 8 lunch, 15 with dinner-I just want to be simple yet still take what is necessary to pull through the moderation and/or abstinence stages-thanks!

    What vit/supps to take

    Have you got the book? It tells you what to take. But take a lot anyway, that is the basic message. You won't need so much later on, but while you are getting off the booze, lots of supps. Don't worry too much... see the Holistic forum for more...
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      What vit/supps to take

      Wantto, Are you taking the allone powder drink mix that is sold on this site? That's what I take and it has all the vitamins you need and it doesn't upset my stomach. Don


        What vit/supps to take

        I was going to suggest the All-one as well. Sounds like you are taking an awful lot of pills that can be condensed by taking that. I also take the l-glutamine and the Kudzu, along with the B-50, Gaba, Milk Thistle, and am going to start taking 5-htp.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          What vit/supps to take

          Wantto, in the store on this site they sell a starter pack that has just about everything you need. Taking all the pills that you are would definately make me sick... Don


            What vit/supps to take

            Thanks I did purchase the all one powder just had a hard time consuming it-will get v8 tomorrow and see how that goes-hopefully well-alot easier than all the pills!!


              What vit/supps to take

              HI wanttostop - I have problems with all the pills too, but the Allone doesn't bother me. I tried the V8 and just about, well you know. Now I just down it quick with no pulp orange juice. You really do get used to it. I bought the starter pack, like Don said. I'm going to try the pills one kind one day at a time again to see if it is just one of them that bothers me. I think it's the kudzu.

              By the way, if anyone wonders about online pharmacies, my husband and I have used United Pharmacies in Oceania without any problems for a couple years for his Lipitor. They carry topiramate. We have no prescription insurance and had to find lipitor cheap.

              Good luck.


                What vit/supps to take

                Wantto, the trick I learned with All-one (if you do not mix it in a smoothie with a blender or something) is to put an ice cube in a jar, then put your juice or whatever, and then the All-one. Shake like crazy and chug down. The ice cube really helps break up the clumps.
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  What vit/supps to take

                  I mix the ALLONE with cold cranberry juice and have it in the morning after my coffee and I love it! In fact I crave it. You have to shake it up like crazy though to make sure it all dissolves. Don

