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Well, day five tomorrow. just update on how im feelin

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    Well, day five tomorrow. just update on how im feelin

    Hey guys. So i just finished day 4 AF. it was sooo hard on saturday. ( had to sit with bf and his friends literally from 5pm until 1 am drinking. first at the house then at bars. )not hard on sunday, and not to hard after... a little but not all that bad. however i wasnt really addicted to alcohol so i wouldnt really have withdrawel symptoms. its been only in the past month or two that i went from drinking three times a week to about five-just at night. I wanted to tell everyone that the assumption and advice i got was correct. ive suffered from depression for a long time. even way before i dranki as much as i did. however its been terrible the past two years, since my alchol problems have also been worse. my med's stopped working, and recently i started taking l-tyorsene for depression, b vitamins, l glutarmine, and fish oil pills. these are considred the natural depression therapy. and guess what? its only been for days, but i feel a huge difference in my mood. i havent been worrying, gloomy, BORED without alchol especially, angry. but ive been looking at the trees and feeling like just being outside and enjoying the weather. drinking DEFINITEly worsens depression. i answered my own question. and its ONLY day five for me tomorrow. like i said lately i had gotten worse with the amount of days per week i was drinking. let me juust make sojmething clear. I purposely took a medicationj for a bacterial infection i have that says "you MUST not drinkg alcohol or you could be violently ill" so basically i chose that one over another one so i would be forced for seven days to not drink. So believe me, im not sure i would have done this so well without knowing if i drank i could be sick. its day five tomorrow. im sure ill make it a week. i didnt plan on going the month y et uhntil september. but i have to admit, my mind just feels so much better. Before i would be at work thinkin, "ah why dont i not drink gotnight? oh man, but im so bored withy life. i have to drinkh to make my life more exxciting. i cant sit home and watch a movie without some beers." the past two days ive just been like oh who really cares about drinking tonight? i look forward to goin home and cuddlihng with my bf" i plan on doing a month september 1st. with my bf, who also drinks everyda. ok guys, just letting u know it feels good when u finally do it to those who are having trouble.

    Well, day five tomorrow. just update on how im feelin

    Good for you


    You've got a plan and that with your 5 AF days is a wonderful start. 30 days now or beginning in september with your bf--both are excellent.

    Good luck and come visit the 30 day abs. post when you can.



      Well, day five tomorrow. just update on how im feelin

      Thanks! ok will do... never checked it out yet.


        Well, day five tomorrow. just update on how im feelin


        As July said, come on over to the 30 day abs. board. Lots of support there, and lots of fun too. You don't have to be crazy to be there, but it helps. Congrats on your 5 days AF so far. Best thing you can do is have a plan - how to fill the time that you usually fill w drnking. Find a good AF drink that you like - when I started out, I went to the store and bought just about every kind of pop/ sparkling water/ etc out there to sample, and came up w my favourite - sparkling water w a squeeze of lemon and lime.

        You are off to a good start, good luck to you, and pop over to the abs board too!
        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

