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I am so full of hope

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    I am so full of hope

    Well, this is just about the 4th time I have tried to write this tonight. I could say I keep getting kicked off, but I think it is more like likely that I hit the wrong key from time to time.

    I don't want to bore too many people here, but I can say that I have been dealing with a serious driniking problem for about 30 years. I have gone abs and AF in the last few years, but always felt that this was terribly fragile and temporary. Like I was always missing something and somehow being deprived and unhappy. But I managed to do it.

    I think my problem was that I always felt very alone. I often thought I was the only one on this planet who was an alcoholic. I honestly think the word alcoholic is too generous a term for my behavior at many times - I progressed to being a disgusting 24/7 drunk for a few years. Very unbecoming a professionaol - but we can often hide it well - for only so long.

    This is a story of hope, and I hope many of you listen to it. I was the worst drunk on earth - I almost lost my job and my familly - I actually don't think my family would have left me but I wouldn't have blamed them if they did. I definitely would have lost a very good job which I love if I had kept up with the driniking. Believe me, I started out slow and "innocent" and then did great harm. I was lucky. I dodged some bullets.

    I never had faith in my ability to overcome my drinking demon for good until I started meeting my friends at MWO. Until then, I had been AF for a good while, but I always felt that this was such a terribly fragile state- like I was ready to go back to my drinking days at any time. I felt so very alone. Now I know that there are people who are much more nuts than I am, and who can help me laugh about the demons. I feel like I can and want to do this forever!!! Thank you to all my friends. There is hope for me, I know there is.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

    I am so full of hope

    hey mags, yeah i to looked around in my life until i came here and said to myself, " am i the only one with alcohol problems where i cant stop once i start? i can but its like the hardest thing to do?"


      I am so full of hope

      You are great Mags!:h
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        I am so full of hope

        Hi Mags, glad you are doing better with MWO. It's great isn't it? I always enjoy reading your posts. Thanks. :l
        Enlightened by MWO


          I am so full of hope

          Good for you Mags!
          What was the final battle you overcame to finally become AF for good? YOU'RE AWESOME!!

          "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

          ~Red :h


            I am so full of hope

            I put my hand up to being one of the nuts... and proud of it. I am also proud to be considered your friend and someone who has enjoyed your company when I too am feeling lonely.

            Thanks for giving so much of yourself to us Mags. XXXX

            There is always hope.
            It always seems impossible until it's done....


              I am so full of hope

              Oh Mags.....Mags....Mags...... What a lovely soul you are! And I am soooo glad you wrote that post. I am obviously not alone in this world either, with my thoughts on our struggles. I too feel like I am in a temporary state with my drinking. Very fragile and could go back to old ways very easily. Its like i'm in a waiting room sitting patiently, busying myself with things to occupy my time until I can let loose and go mad on drink again. Thankyou my friend for giving me hope. WE CAN DO THIS AND ENJOY IT IN THE PROCESS!!!!!!

              lots of love to you.

              Bella xxxx


                I am so full of hope

                Hi Mags,
                Your achievement to date is wonderful.And your honesty about the level your drinking had reached is very refreshing, affording hope to others still wedged in what I used to term my "alcohol abyss".

                You`ve fought so very hard to get where you are today.........I understand what you`re saying, that sobriety doesn`t carry any guarantee, but then, neither does life.........
                Sobriety is priceless to people like ourselves. Sobriety carries with it an enormous responsibility, because it is not is our own responsibility to continue to work at maintaining it every second of every day.

                In fact, having managed to stop drinking, I realize that I am terrified, simply because I know from experience that even being sober for years cannot offer us that longed for guarantee.

                All I can say is that I`d like to think I`m smarter this time around, because I know I will always remain in alcohol`s line of fire. However, no amount of bullet-proof jackets can protect me.

                All I have at my disposal to keep me safe is forewarning..........

                FOREWARNED IS FOREARMED..............

                Alcohol is much like my stalker now and I must never forget that.
                All I have by way of protection is my own resolve, and we all know that resolve sometimes wavers.

                You`ve stayed with M.W.O. mags, despite being sober for 3 yrs. or more.
                Personally, I can`t say that I`ll continue to visit the site forever........I just know I`ll be here indefinitely..........M.W.O. is like my safety-net that strengthens my own resolve.

                It`s uplifting to see how the members here truly care about each other`s peaks and troughs, despite the fact that most of us have never actually met, and are never likely to meet. It`s almost as if we`re alienated in our own lives, yet somehow "at home" here.

                It saddens me that "alcoholic" still remains a dirty word. However, it uplifts me to know that we are a caring community who realize that the alcoholic in us is but a tiny part of us.

                I really do think you`re "safe" mags, as you have great awareness and don`t take your sobriety for granted, despite being sober for a long time. Your awareness and this site are the closest you`ll get to a guarantee mags.

                I wish you every happiness, mags.

                All my love,

                Starlight Impress x


                  I am so full of hope

                  Mags, What a wonderful post. You hit the nail on the head. In the past whenever I could manage AF days, deep down inside I knew it was only temporary. I knew it was just a matter of time before I would be back down in the pit. But since I stumbled onto this site and all the wonderful people here, that has all changed. I truely do not feel that way anymore. I don't WANT to drink. I no longer feel that it's inevitable. I have changed...after 30 years of drinking, I have changed...we have changed.
                  Star, I think you are brilliant. You have so much insight. "Sobriety is priceless to people like ourselves"--- WOW. That should be our creed! You have so much compassion. I just love reading your posts. I'm learning so much from you and everyone else. I'm just thrilled to be a part of it. Don


                    I am so full of hope

                    Mags - Thank you for a lovely, honest post. And Starlight for what you said, too. (And everybody!) Yes, I'm terrified too!
                    Spending quite a bot of time here today - not a good day (Booze Busters 8/13) so thank you everyone for being part of this great worldwide community...
                    Feet x
                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                      I am so full of hope

                      Great post Mags. You sound confident yet cautiously optimistic.


                        I am so full of hope

                        Mags, thank-you for sharing! Together we will beat this! (even if we're a bit nutty in the end...)


                          I am so full of hope


                          Over the past years I have tried many times to control my drinking... I start off OK and then once I start again I seem to be worse than before.

                          Like Mags I think why am I the only one who has this problem....everyone else seems to be able to have 1 or 2 then stop. I have been feeling angy and annoyed at myself that I can't control it. I have 8 weeks to get myself on track. My 18 year old son returns home after 9 months overseas. I want him to see a new me and not the lush he thinks I am.

                          My doctor has prescribed Naltrexone but I am concerned about side-effects and also feel that I should be able to control it myself without more "drugs". I am planning on making Tuesday my Start Date....

                          Any advice would be appreciated.


                            I am so full of hope

                            MIM, Why Tuesday?


                              I am so full of hope

                              There is nothing I can add to these beautiful posts except " dito" We love you Mags !! Hugs,

                              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

