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I done it.

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    I done it.

    Good morning all

    Just wanted to say a BIG :thanks: to you all that replied/pm me. I made it through my first day AF in ages. Woke up and did feel tired but no hangover at least. I took you're advice Satori and made myself busy....painting and cleaning.

    By the time I actually sat down it was 10pm so I had a cup of tea instead.

    This is just what I needed - 1 day AF to help me realise how much better I feel.

    Looking forwards to day 2.

    Mandy x

    I done it.

    Well done Mandy - WE knew you could do it!

    Wasn't too bad was it?

    You can do it again today can't you? - That is all it talkes!!


    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


      I done it.

      Well done Mandy, good luck on the next af days.
      Love Paula. x


        I done it.

        Well done Mandy - day 2 now, deal with days 3 and 4 (sometimes iffy, not to be negative but 'forewarned is forearmed' (just the body wanting back what has come out of it on days 1 and 2)...just do them 1 hour at a time and then back to a day at a time and see you at 30 days!.....
        Feet x
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          I done it.

          Good Job Mandy! We knew you could do it.. now it's on with Day 2! Keep checking in here, especially if "The Beast" starts whining. Don


            I done it.

            Hi Mandy-

            Now you know you can do it! Good job-



              I done it.

              Fantastic to hear this Lotus! I knew you could do it and you did! Well done! Heres to day 2.

              Bella xxx


                I done it.

                Great Job Mandy !!! You sound so proud of yourself and gosh girl you sooo should be... Looking forward to hearing about your clear-headed day 2 !! YAHOOO!!!

                ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                  I done it.

                  Fabulous news ....

                  Well done, keep it up ....

                  BB xx


                    I done it.

                    Terrific job, Lotus. I know it must feel great. Now, on to day 2. You can do it, girl!!!!!
                    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                      I done it.

                      Great Job Mandy!
                      That first day makes you feel like you can conquer the world. And, you can. Remember this feeling and let it carry you through.
                      You can do this.

                      If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                        I done it.

                        Hi Mandy..........knew you could do it.......self belief is the key to success.

                        Good luck with Day 2.

                        Starlight Impress x


                          I done it.

                          You are one day ahead of me ! well done . xxxMax
                          Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                            I done it.

                            Good for you Mandy.
                            Well done.

