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hey guys. sixth day alcohol free

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    hey guys. sixth day alcohol free

    Hey everyone. Well today is my sixth day. i m just updating. if you didnt read my posts, i was helped by choosing to take a medication for my infection that if you have a sip of alcohol, you will vomit. i chose this, versus another one which wouldnt cause sickness if you drink, because i wanted to be forced to stay away fromalcohol for a week. i take ituntil friday night, so no alcohol friday. I dont planon starting AF for a month until September, because I knew there was occassions coming up until august 31 that I would want tohave some drinks at. ok well, ive suffered from depression for seven years. the past three years ive had alcohol problemns, but this yea rits been worse. before it was ,go out twice a wek, get shitfaced, and come home. this year , probably because my alcohl bf drinks everyday alot, ive gone to about five nights a week, probably three of those getting smashed whereive blacked out, been carried out of bars, been flagged, etc. not always, but maybe once every two weeks id black out from being to drunk and not remembering what happened the night before. So.. i havent gone a week AF in seriousally, about three years. im not taking antidepressant medications anymore, however i am taking l tyorsene, 5-htp, glutamine, kudzu, and b vitamins, all which are natural ways to help your brain not be depressed. and being off Alcohol for six daysnow, MY GOSH. my depression is gone. i knew alcohol probably had something to do wtih my depression, but didnt know going off of it would help my depression this much. before i was takinall thesenatural things to help myd epression, but they didnt do anything because id be drinking four or five nights a week... its so amazing to feel good again. another thing i noticed is im notsitting at my work dest going, " ugh i know i shouldn't drink tonight but it will be so boring if bill (bf) and i dont go out or drink and watch a movie" after only six days, im not thinkingl ikethat. im like "cool, cant wait to go homeand just chill and watch a movie withNO alcohol, and it WONT beboring" i didnt realie how my body was probably getting dependent on alcohol. it sneaks up on you..ok. so anyway, i woudlnt have been able todo this without my medication that would make me sick. i probably coulddo it, but it would have been harder. saturday night when i first started and had to watch my bf and his friends drinkinga t a bar whilei sat there, i noramlly would have caved bc i was miserable and agitated. but I couldn't cave, because of this med. so this may sound sick to you guys, but there are meds likethis besides topomax, that will make you sickif you drink on them. maybe starters who cant seem to do it and wouldlove to go AF for a month,should take the medication for a month. Im going to start Af for a month ( right now its just a week im doing it ) on September 1sst. my bf is going to try and do it with me as wel. he has an easier time with moderating or givingit up totally. hes not so much genetically dispositioned to alcoholism like I am, he just likes it. dont ask how i jujst pretty sure bc he'll just have oneor two and not care to have more. me its a struggle, everytime. he also will go out , ge tipsy, have a great time, and not care to drink anymore. i fight with him at the bar to stay out longer once i get tipsy. but i have to admit its been better since ive become VERY knowledgable about my problem, the disease, alcohol, and since coming off my zoloft which seemed to have worsen my alcohol anyway i might suggest that u guys take this med thatwill make you sick if you drink! it sounds pyscho right? but it has helped me... at least for a month uguys should try. It is called ANABUSE. Just found the name from Chief. thanks!It was mentiond in my way out book. Also i wantto moderate my drinking after i do a month free, but im disappointed in the fact that the kudzu seemed to take the pleasure outof drinking.. like topomax supposedly does, and i was like ugh then once the point of even moderating myself , might as well just abstain if im not going ot get any pleasure out of drinking! anyway, good luck guys. have a good day.

    hey guys. sixth day alcohol free

    ME, I think you are talking about Anabuse. If you take it and drink it will make you ill. I've heard some people have sucess with it. I guess whatever works for you is what works. It sounds like you have to really decide whether you want to moderate or abstain. For me there is no such thing as moderate. I tried many times and I just can't do it. That's not a failure, it's just a fact, so I finally had to decide if I wanted to drink myself to death or quit. I'm not quite ready to die. Good luck to you and keep posting. We are all here to help you do whatever you want to do. Don


      hey guys. sixth day alcohol free

      it might just work with the "get sick if i drink" med's

      Hey Cheif.. i to might not be able to moderate it. havent in the past, but also havent known about the supplements and all ive known about on here. so we shall see. i am to much of a genetic alcoholic. meaning its not like i was drinking everyday, but the days id goout to bars, id almost always get shitfaced and one every three times not remember the next day what happened, so in a way im doubting i will be able to moderate it, but i guess im going to try... im sure its difficult for you. itreally sux doesnt it? well good luck, and i hope everything works for you.


        hey guys. sixth day alcohol free

        me, good job on your day 6! Keep up the good work. I use to drink until I blacked out as well and you know.... it is better to just be AF, for me anyway!


          hey guys. sixth day alcohol free

          Thanks accountable and chief. so accountable, i saw you first came herein 2006. did u take the topomax and all? good job with everything. did alcoholism run in your family like mine?


            hey guys. sixth day alcohol free

            I didn't take the Topamax. I did take supplements and used St. john's Wort at the time for depression which worked well for me for many months.

            Every single person in my family including grandparents (except for one) were alcoholics. My mother had been a pot smoker while I was growing up and discovered a taste for alcohol about 10+ years ago when she gave up the weed. yeah, we all love/d our alcohol. my dad is a very successful person who likes to get drunk a couple of nights a week. He does have to have a few beers every night however.

            Genetically I am screwed! But I made a decision to stop for my own health/life. I was getting out of control for a few years there. It was time for me to stop.

