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Things @ Work are going to change

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    Things @ Work are going to change

    Hi All,
    Things got really testy today at work. Everyone is really upset about are work being turned over to a contractor. Though they tell us that we will not lose our jobs, no one knows what we're goimg to be doing. Our jobs will change, most of the guys here are older & don't really want to start a new carrear. Everything changes 1 Oct. and nobdy knows what's going on. That's par for the course with this place.....always keep us wondering to the end ! Guys are starting to give me a bunch of crap about dumb crap. Had an argument with one of my best guys.....He appolizied afterwards, but this is really getting to me... Thougth I'ld share !
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss

    Things @ Work are going to change

    Hi IAD

    Well IAD, if you can't change it don't worry about it. Remember your blood pressure.

    Tell your guys you will only discuss intelligent crap from now on, put your Sherlock Holmes cap on to see if you can find out what's happening and then look forward to learning something new.

    There, my best positive advice. Not that you asked for it.

    m. xx :bonkers:
    ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
    I am in the next seat.
    My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


      Things @ Work are going to change


      Tremendous pressure for you. I know what it is like to go to work every day when things like this are going on. It is not easy.

      Try to keep calm and don't let it reach into other areas of you life.

      I am sorry this is happening but remember, this too shall pass.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Things @ Work are going to change

        Good luck, IAD. Situations like this are difficult. I take it from your post that you are in a supervisory position? That is especially hard if you are trying to keep your troops content and you don't know what is going on yourself.

        Keep up the good work and stay strong, friend. We're here for you anytime you want to share!


        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Things @ Work are going to change


          I am sorry that this saga seems never - ending, I pray it resolves as soon as possible.
          Try and stay calm as possible, it's not easy but it's not your fault either.

          Good Luck and keep us up to date with info,

          I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
          I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

          Marilyn Monroe


            Things @ Work are going to change

            IAD, it seems this is the way all our jobs are going. I work at a service centre for a major Bank. Two years ago there were 5 service centres now there are 2. all our work is being shipped off shore to india. great! we even have "them" over here right now, and are having to teach "them" our jobs so that in a few months time "they" can take the work from right under our noses!! unbelievable. there is no compassion any more. no incentive for loyalty. thought it was just Britain, seems I am wrong. My thoughts are with u, I know its a worry. xxxMax
            Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


              Things @ Work are going to change

              Forgot to add, seems our bosses can pay them 1/3 the salary they pay us. how can we compete
              Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                Things @ Work are going to change

                IAD, change can be scary and it can be exciting. There are so many Mills being closed down here because of Soft Lumber Trade Issues and with the contracting out. Not to mention our Provincial Government hacked a lot of people (which they needed to do anyway) which ended with lot of 'lifers' displaced, although many opted out with hefty retirement packages.

                We live in a world now where contracting out results in stream lining companies and lowering overhead. (which isn't always the case). I really can empathize with you. I have seen it happen to many, many, many people I care about. If you are a Unionized Employee with Seniority, they will find you something; as for the others (ones who have been there a very long time) they may be offered a very nice retirement package if they don't want to start at a new position.

                The anticipation can be very stressful. It will be very emotional until all is settled. Just keep on staying sober, and staying strong! Keep posting your thoughts with us - venting is the best medicine!

                When one door closes, many others will open. Believe in this and you will be fine.


                  Things @ Work are going to change

                  Thanks All,
                  I really value your advice. Thanks, I fiquired this kind of thing was bound to happen, Everybody is in a state of suspention.......The good part is that no one will loose their jobs. The guys just don't want to leave, I guess that makes me feel good, they must think something of me (I'm thier suppervisor). I try to find the positive about the whole situation. Again, thanks all for your advise. IAD:thanks:
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    Things @ Work are going to change

                    You sound so positive IAD! Good to hear. Things will be just fine, I am sure.


                      Things @ Work are going to change

                      What a tribute to you, IAD, that they don't want to bail on you even though the company is putting them through so much stress. And you too. I was a department chair for years and also my local union president and when this stuff happens it can be so terribly stressful. It is a great contributor to our motivations to drink. All I can say is good for you for staying strong for your guys, not drinking, and not caving under the pressure. I wish I had been that stong when I was in difficult job situations. You got the guts. :h
                      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                        Things @ Work are going to change

                        It's funny.....after are altercation we started to talk. We talked about how we could fight like dogs & cats & it was all forgiven the next day 1 That is really not herad of in this cut throat world of Bisness. My wife tells me I should write these people up for insabordination, I told her, if I did that then I could never know what they really felt about this place & me . Management comes in a prickly package ! IAD
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          Things @ Work are going to change

                          I know IAD. I use to run union meetings where everyone wanted to kill the administration and me also. The next day it was back at work. But sometimes we came to issues that literally ripped my guts out. I love your attitude.
                          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                            Things @ Work are going to change

                            Hi Tony - took another quick look at your chart. Yes you have change and new beginnings coming up, but you will be very happy with your growth as a person and feel much more comfortable in your own skin in the end

                            xox Trish

