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I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

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    I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

    Hi MWO friends,

    Just wanted to let you know that I'm ok. I'm safe now, and been thinking of you all. Been a while since I last posted and by having a quick look there are loads of new members, so hi to all you newbies.

    I've been doing alot of soul searching lately, in particular trying to change my negative outlook on life. I have suffered from depression and anxiety all my life, to the point of attempted suicide, but I seem to have had a little Epiphany lately and alot of things have clicked into place.

    I went home to my mom for a while, then moved into my new place, and whilst in her study I found a book called "You can heal your life" by Louise L. Hay. I was bowled over by some of the things she had to say. I haven't even really read a fraction of the book, but I came across this statement in the first few pages and it helped me so much. Louisa says:

    "The only thing we are ever dealing with is a thought, and a thought can be changed"

    So much of my life has been dictated by what people have thought about me, or rather, how I perceive people have thought about me. I now realise my negative thoughts have been really detrimental to me. I accept now that I cannot change the past. Yes I've been mean whilst drunk and I've let myself and my friends and familly down. But I really feel that if I want to break the cycle I have to "let go" of the past. Not condone my actions, or anyone elses, but just simply let it go.

    I have also been reading some of the "Women for Sobriety" literature, where again they speak of negative thoughts. The second statement in their "New Life" program is this:

    "Negative thoughts destroy only myself. My first conscious sober act must be to remove negativity from my life"

    Anyway, I'm trying, got 9 days af under my belt again and hoping for more.

    I don't like to name names because you are all soooo fab, but just a little hi to my mates in the daily abs thread, the "Newbies in Need" guys, Doggie Girl and her interminably long posts (lol, just joking) Lilac, Mellissa and Scoobs. There are many more of you, I wish I could list you all.

    I've missed this little family and I'll read, read, read till I catch up.


    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

    I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

    So happy to see you back Kitty, and with 9 AF days to boot........brilliant!!!!

    Much love,

    Starlight Impress x


      I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

      P.s, Thank you RJ for your offer of help re. resources, and all that pm'd me.

      Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


        I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

        Cheers Starlight,

        Been out of the loop, but I hope your wee one is ok?

        K xx
        Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


          I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

          Hi Kitty! Welcome back! I was thinking about you the other day and was wondering how you made out.

          My mother bought me that book back in 1998 when I moved to Vegas and was negative and homesick. It is a really good book if you utilize those affirmations!

          I am so happy to hear you are doing well.


            I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

            Welcome back, Kitty! It is so good to hear that you are tackling your drinking and your depression. Nine days is just great, and I'm wishing you only the best as you continue your journey!


            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!


              It worked! I just kept telling myself I would have a job soon, and today I got one.

              Kitty x
              Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

                Glad to see you back........We need your imput...lots of people needing advise ! IAD:welcome:
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

                  BRAVO to you. I am so happy for you. You sound SO, SO GOOD and strong.


                    I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

                    Nine days is great. Welcome back!!! Don't leave again anytime soon! :h
                    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                      I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

                      you sound good Kitty.

                      RJ had mentioned Hay House, Inc. | Homepage in chat the other night, if you haven't checked it out already, it may be helpful.

                      Welcome back Kitty!


                        I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

                        Hi Kitty - Good to meet you...

                        9 days - fab, well done, brill....

                        'You Can Heal Your Life' = excellent book.....enjoy all that you take from it and thanks for reminding me of that true, so hard!!!!! But worth any effort!

                        See you round the pages and look forward to seeing the days mount up for you/by you...

                        Feet x
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

                          Kitty;180769 wrote: I've been doing alot of soul searching lately, in particular trying to change my negative outlook on life. I have suffered from depression and anxiety all my life, to the point of attempted suicide, but I seem to have had a little Epiphany lately and alot of things have clicked into place.


                          So much of my life has been dictated by what people have thought about me, or rather, how I perceive people have thought about me. I now realise my negative thoughts have been really detrimental to me. I accept now that I cannot change the past. Yes I've been mean whilst drunk and I've let myself and my friends and familly down. But I really feel that if I want to break the cycle I have to "let go" of the past. Not condone my actions, or anyone elses, but just simply let it go.

                          It's really strange you mention that. I came to the realisation a few weeks ago that we shouldn't let others' opinions of us dictate what we think about ourselves. Afterall, they are only opinions! And in my opinion, not many people's opinions are all that 'considered'. Lol

                          The other thing i realised is that i must let my old self 'die' or disintegrate somehow. I know it sounds strange, but i had an overwhelming urge to cut off from the world and just be alone, in my darkness. This usually consisted of staying in bed in silence, avoiding the phone and sometimes even turning the tv off in exchange for silence. I think i am actually going to start meditating now. I also realised that i must remove every negative force in my life, whether that be another person or a habit. I realised i need to surround myself in positive supportive

                          The other day i was in my car and i had an epiphany too. I thought to myself, 'i am so tired
                          of fear'. I was just exhausted from it. At that point i realised i must meet my fear head-on, bit by bit, in order to become the person i so desire to be (myself, in pure form).

                          I have made a list of my fears, in a hierarchy, and am facing them one by one.

                          Btw, feel free to join our Exercise Thread if you feel it would help (i feel like some sort of fanatic, recruiting for the thread. lol).


                          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                            I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

                            WHAT EVER IT TAKES,,,,,HON. (THAT'S A BALTIMORE SAYING !) I KNOW THE SOUTH SAY'S THE SAME THING ! Of course durning the Civil War there were a lot of Southern infulence in Maryland. ( Inspite of the Union Occupation ). Remember the Masion Dixon Line began in Penn. IAD Boy did I get off the subject !!!
                            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                            Dr. Seuss


                              I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

                              Good job, Kitty

                              Thanks for sharing. Louise Hay is an inspiration and so are you. For those who are interested, You Can Heal Your Life is available in soft cover from Hay House Publishing as Marcie mentioned and can also be downloaded on iTunes. You'll find it in hardback and CD on Amazon, as well. Highly recommended reading.

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