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I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

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    I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

    I can attest to that too RJ, I bought my copy at your recommendation last week and having read through it once and now I am going back and reading it again AND doing the exersices (As she recommends you do).

    It's already starting to work, have stuck to my 'diet' all week and have knocked all negative thoughts about myself on the head. I'm also making great inroads into my relationship issues with the help of my counsellor.

    Had a great epiphany myself yesterday in that I finally recognised how far I have come in the past 8-9 months since I stopped killing myself with the drink. It was almost like it was a new idea to me - and I'm sure it's from using the posititve self talk.

    I still have a lot of work to do, but now I know that I really am winning this fight and I AM A GREAT PERSON! :-)
    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

      It is just so bizarre that Kitty has said what she said. Words cannot express how much i understand.

      I am going to ponder it on my walk today.
      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


        I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

        Hi Kitty, welcome back ......

        Big BB hugs coming your way ....


          I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

          Welcome back Kitty, you sound so positive and happy.. I totally agree with you about letting other peoples opinions of you rule and ruin your life.. I also think one of the secrets of going AF is to let go of the past, its what I have done and I've never felt better..

          Good luck for your future,
          Love, Louise xx
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

            Kitty, wonderful!! You sound great! We now have to find you a new name, you have grown beyond Kitty to full grown tiger! Love to you lady, I am VERY PROUD OF YOU!! You are exceptional!


              I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

              Kitty welcome back and you sound great. You really do. I think back to some of your older threads and you have come so far. I am so proud of you and what an inspiration. Keep going 9 days is wonderful.

              I also just ordered the Audio CD
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

                very inspiring thread.

                weird, I came accross that book at someone's house the other day (translated into a somewhat unusual, exotic language!). I just skimmed the inside pages, but remember something about all sickness being caused by yourself. Anyone recall that? It sounds harsh but it really hit a chord with me and I've been thinking about it ever since. I've been so sick in so many ways the past few years, and although I know not ALL of it was caused by myself, I am seeing ways that some of it is and ways I can help heal myself without doctors and medicine. I guess it's called healing your soul.

                Anyway, does anyone recall that part about sickness? Was there more to it?

                Good going Kitty. I'm right behind you...
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

                  "You Can Heal Your Life" is the foundation of Louise Hay's books. Two other good books of hers to read in this order, after "...Heal your Life" are:

                  1) The Power is Within You
                  2) LIFE! Reflections on Your Journey

                  Beatle - Yes I know what you are refering to in her books. Louise calls is the "dis-ease" of our thoughts. She (and I ) are believers that our negative thinking causes ALL of our illnesses.

                  Louise was sexually abused as a child and contracted Vaginal cancer as an adult. Rather than surgery and traditional medicine, she set about a program of positive affirmations, vitamins and healthy eatting/excercise ... anyone see the similarity to RJ's program?? PS After 6 months, Louise was cancer free.


                    I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

                    wow, that is a pretty radical assertion-- that negative thinking causes ALL illness. I can't quite go with that as some of the most positive thinkers and wonderful, caring people in the world get sick and die. But I do believe it causes a lot of our illnesses and certainly makes them worse even if they are not caused by that.

                    Might be interesting to start a new thread on this idea.

                    I'm getting the book for sure, though.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

                      Help getting in a positive groove

                      Hi gang. You old timers know I rarely promote MWO Health Store items on the board, but I do want to let you know about a new hypnotherapy product we recently added to our Health Store, as one of our members just PM'd me and encouraged me to mention it here after reading this thread. It's a CD set called Positive Mental Attitude and you'll find it here. Like the others, we provide them in partnership with hypnotherapist James Schmelter. We're pretty excited about this new addition to our collection.

                      Those of you who use the existing CDs are familiar with the Clearing/Hypnotic/Subliminal/Sleep Learning approach. This 2-CD set is another one of our "add ons" to include the Subliminal and Hypnotic recording, but it can also be used as a stand alone product.

                      If you're ready to work on some positive changes, be sure and check it out!


                      Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                        I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

                        Hi Kitty,

                        So, so glad to see you back and SAFE and HAPPY !!! I was so worried about you and thinking about you all the time !!! I have had company or would have seen your post earlier !!! You sound like you are doing GREAT !!! I will have company all week so will only be on sporadically but will keep in touch regularly after that. Please keep posting. Your new job sounds challenging and exciting. Good for you !!! You will meet new people and make new friends too. So so happy you are back here !!!

                        :happy: :happy: :happy:


                          I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

                          PS. The book sounds very interesting...I will be sure to pick it up.


                            I'm back. Safe, Hopeful and Sober!!!!!!!!

                            I'm so glad you are back! I would like to hear more about your journey these past few weeks. You have really been missed.

                            Congratulations on the job. See, if you had gotten a good one in the other place it would have been harder for you to leave. Things happen, or not, for a reason.

                            I'll be in touch soon.

                            If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger

