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Exercise Thread 19th August

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    Exercise Thread 19th August

    Hi everyone,

    After a slow start yesterday, i ended up exercising for 50 minutes. It was really hard going out on the walk, but i kept thinking of this site and motivated myself to take the step (pun intended).

    Haven't checked out the gym yet, but am thinking of doing that today.

    Went out last night after work. Had all this energy, had a bit of a boogie, which was nice, and returned home at 6:30am... Yes, you heard right, 6:30am! Believe it or not, that is actually an early night according to my previous standards.

    Didn't drink, was really proud of myself. Dropped my very drunk friend home on the way home though. Lol. (she knows how to handle her alcohol though).

    So, anyway, how's it all going?

    I'm planning on a 50 min walk today, will probably walk to the gym to check it out but am not planning a workout as i have been working very long hours and my body needs a rest.

    A little bit of trivia: apparently exercise (aka a good walk) actually re-sets the body clock. So, if you've been having late nights and want to return to normal sleeping patterns, get your walking shoes on!
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    Exercise Thread 19th August

    right on with the boogie-down Change. you difinately don't want to see me dance with anything besides a cuttingboard...ha!

    got in my Saturday butt kicking class today and I notice that I've got some sore ribs...owie. Still never regret a trip to the gym

    Didn't know the body clock thing...neato
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Exercise Thread 19th August

      The body clock thing is definately neato!

      Going for walk at 5:30... just need to log that in. It keeps me motivated

      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


        Exercise Thread 19th August

        I wish something would re-set my body clock. I'm getting a bit fed up of pacing about at 3am, but now I know what to do when I can't sleep - go out for a boogie! Lol
        Planning a bit of a slow day, but might go for a walk later.
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          Exercise Thread 19th August

          Hey guys!
          I just wanted to jump in here. I have been walking my dog religiously since starting this program. I just got back from a one hour walk --- never did that before --- especially at a quick pace. I definitely tired the dog out --- she is lying on the floor panting!! LOL

          Anyway, I am not only trying to control my alcohol intake, but also turn over a new leaf and become a healthy 46 year old!!

          It would certainly be an added bonus if some of the extra drinking (and overeating) weight came off! :H :H

          Have a great Sunday!


            Exercise Thread 19th August

            Hey PinkLady,

            It's never too late to start!

            After a shaky start to the day, i finally went on my walk. It is now 3:50am and i am still awake due to my body clock being all out of wack.

            Will be heading to sleep soon
            One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


              Exercise Thread 19th August

              OH good you're all still here!!

              HI - I went camping, but I'm back and very tired. We hiked a lot (me and 5 thirteen year old girls!!) so I doubt I will do much of anything today. But tomorrow after a drive to the airport I plan on walking my dog as usual. So PinkLady, we're on, I'm trying to become a healthy 49 year old, well today I'm 48 and tomorrow I turn 49. And I'm not tempted to tie one on to celebrate!! That's encouraging!


                Exercise Thread 19th August

                Hi Change & others,

                Very interesting about exercise helping to re-set the body clock.

                Been to the gym Wed-Fri last week and even made it today which was a miracle, lol.

                Trying really hard not to over do it. Just about 50 mins of cardio then 10 mins weights so about an hour each time. Feel a bit slimmer already and have been sleeping better. Going to buy one of those little computer thingies for my bike tomorrow too so I can set myself mile targets.

                Have a good week everyone.

                Oh, anyone know the lower limit heart rate for fat burning? I think it's Niblet who posted about heart rate before???

                Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                  Exercise Thread 19th August

                  Hello all !!!! Even though I was away I fit fitness in... We went to camp for the weekend to fill the wood shed... Hubby rode the ATV with wood trailer up the road 1 mile while I walk/ jogged uphill and down hill there and back... Where the tree was fallen was a ways in the bush so every armload was another workout in itself... Now I know why there is an old saying that you get two "heats out of your fire wood" ha !! ha!! we were absolutely sweating !!! Today we went for a nice walk when we got back home and then ofcourse there was barn chores to contend with too... Tomorrow I'll find something on TV and do a good workout ... Have a nice evening everybody !!! Hugs,

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

