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Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

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    Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

    I had complete blood work done yesterday including the liver-just wondering how accurate this test is in determining liver problems-and if there is something wrong with my liver according to the test is there something I can do to repair it? Of course besides no more beer! ; )

    Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

    I don't know if these tests are that accurate.

    We have a thread on it somewhere.

    Do a search for liver.

    also,determinator probably has an answer to this one.


      Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

      Blood tests for the liver determine if you have elevated enzymes. I have attached a link for you to read about how it works.

      Information about Liver Blood Tests (enzymes) - produced by medical doctors

      The liver can repair itself they say depending on how much damage has been done (say if you hepatitis or sclerosis the damage cannot be repaired).


        Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

        The main liver enzyme that becomes elevated in drinkers is alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). That dehydrogenates alcohols to aldehydes. That's how the liver detoxifies the alcohol, although it has to go through additional steps to become fully detoxified. The aldehydes (specifically acetaldehyde) are what cause headaches - hangovers. The levels of this enzyme become elevated chronically in chronic drinkers. That will show up on a standard liver panel on a blood test. But if you don't drink for about 5 days before the blood test, the levels of ADH may go back down to normal.

        That's just what I know about this.
        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


          Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

          A liver panel will tell you how your liver is functioning.

          My AST and ALT(2 values on the liver panel), were extremely elevated which meant that my liver was not doing it's work and filtering out toxins, they were getting into my blood. I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C at the time. Once I stopped drinking my levels returned to normal, even though I still had Hep C, thankfully I'm clear now.

          AFM - Once the Hepatitis is gone the liver CAN repair itself.


            Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

            I said it can repair itself, but you are right it matters how much damage is there. Say if someone has cirrhosis of the liver, I don't think the liver can repair itself once it has this much damage.


              Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

              I never knew that alcoholic hepatitis C could go away. That is good to know. I don't have it thankfully, but for you Marcie, I am glad it went away!!! And for the others who have it, have some hope too! I learn something new everyday here.


                Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                AFM - To claify - Hepatitis C and Alcoholic Hepatitis are 2 different things. Hepatitis C is a blood borne virus while Alcoholic Hepatitis is liver inflammation caused by drinking.

                I had Hepatitis C and there are treatments for it, not very pleasant, but I made it through 6 months of some pretty strong meds and I have been clear for 8 months.


                  Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                  Thanks for the clarification Marcie. I am also very glad you have been clear for 8 months!! I had read once about how alcohol can cause hepatitis and once I saw that word, I shut the book. I was completely scared out of my mind, I couldn't read what it had said.


                    Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                    It is scary and if anyone is interested here is a link on Alcoholic Hepatitis and Alcoholic Liver Disease



                      Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                      Cirrhosis is an advanced stage of fat storage in the liver and is not reversible. It can be caused by many years of alcohol abuse. Hep C is a viral infection that is treatable but is not the same as "alcoholic hepatitis" Hepatitis merely means liver inflammation. There are many possible causes of it.
                      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                        Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                        Anytime I have a blood test (in the UK) the doctor (GP) gives the patient the form to take to the hospital themselves, so me being me, I use a similar pen and tick everything on the form, thats appropriate to me of course.

                        So I requested a liver test and it was OK. I am surprised but considering I have been drinking 'properly' since I was 18, I must have a better constitution than I thought !!!
                        I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                        I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                        Marilyn Monroe


                          Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                          diamond that is hilarious! How very sneaky of you!


                            Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                            you are so sneaky diamond! Doesn't you GP ever question why you suddenly got all these tests? I'll have to remember that trick next time I'm getting lab work done.


                              Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                              My goodness thank you all for the info! I am 36, have been drinking since 21 but the past year or so more like every day. The past 6 months or so is when I have started drinking excessively-I had this blood test done I think about 9 months or so ago and my liver was fine-I hope I have not done damage now-is it possible? I don't want to be paranoid of cirhossis or hepatits -yikes!

