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Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

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    Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

    Oh and I had an ultrasound done of my liver and gallbladder around the same time and it was fine-so I hope I am fine

    Memarcie I am glad you are ok-was it from years of heavy drinking?


      Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

      wanttostop - I had Hepatitis C which is a blood borne virus, unrelated to alcohol. Luckily I found out about it when I went to see my doc about drinking. If I hadn't done that I most likely wouldn't have found out for many more years and done irreparable damage to my liver by drinking.

      It is great you talked to your doc and are having tests done to be sure that you are in good shape. Will your doc prescribe topa or campral after you get your results?


        Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

        Good for you that you found out early!

        Yes I am on Campral now-and she gave me xanax if I get nervous but I am afraid to take it--I am so weird -no problem poisoning my body with beer but I have issues taking pills! ; )


          Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

          I wouldn't be afraid to take the Xanax if you get anxious or nervous. It may be a big help to you. If your doc prescribe it, I'd say go ahead and take it if you need to. Are you supposed to drive while on xanax? I think I remember taking that before I had a liver biopsy(because of the Hep C) and It made me really relaxed and a bit sleepy.


            Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

            My guess is that you are only 36 and have been only drinking since 21 so probably no permanent liver damage so far. That would be unusual. Listen to what memarcie has to say. She has some experience. Best of luck to you.
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

              Ok the Dr called and stated my enzymes are a little elevated and would like to do more blood tests and a liver ultrasound-she stated it is not something to worry about they are not skyrocketing or anything just high enough that the Dr wants to do more testing-I am actually glad-I want to get a good check done. I will not be getting it done for two weeks and by then I will be way below what I was drinking-in fact I already am-I know one of you mentioned if you stop drinking for 5 days it goes back to normal-could this happen? I am doing so well cutting down that I would like to actually be af for a couple days before that and then continue on to the 30 day mark. Thanks for any input-oh and should I be scared at all-was the nurse just trying to ease my worried mind? thanks!


                Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                did your doc say what your enzyme levels were? I'm a pro at reading liver function and blood count results after all I've went through the past year. It took mine longer than 5 days AF to return to normal, I'd say more like 3-4 weeks, but mine were really high.


                  Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                  no I will ask sometime this week -thanks I am learning so much from you and I am glad that you are doing well!!!


                    Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                    You have the right to get copies of ALL your lab/medical work. That was one of the best things I ever did. It helped me understand and keep track of what my levels were and what they should be and the pattern. I would recommend it to everyone.


                      Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                      This thread is so interesting as I too felt completely paranoid when I went on line to look at liver diseases as I was sure I had something due to the drinking.

                      I haven't had any tests (stupidly I'm too scared), so don't know if I'm OK. I was grateful for your shared experiences though and they have reassured me that things can return to normal.

                      Good luck Wanttostop - I look forward to sharing your journey with you.


                        Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                        memarcie-I called the Dr today and left a voicemail to c/b with the enzyme levels and they did not call but I will call again tomorrow and make sure I speak to someone no voicemail! Thanks!

                        sweetcheeks-trust me I am so wimpy when it comes to Drs just because I am afraid of bad news-but something has come over me this past week and I want to cut down, I want to be healthy, I want to know if something is wrong and what to do about it --it is so strange I cannot explain it-I have this confidence in myself that came out of nowhere-any other time a Dr said that to me about my liver and I would be a nervous wreck until my results -this time I am not --at all-it is soooooo weird-I hope you get this feeling too it is good to get checked just in case--but I am not pressuring you it will come to you when you are ready-good luck

                        This journey is actually soooooo rewarding-best to all of you will check in tomorrow!


                          Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                          wanttostop, when they call back ask if they can fax(if you have that) or email you the results or at least get them snail mailed to you. It is in everyones best interest to get copies of all doctor/lab stuff.


                            Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                            yeh, I agree. Get your lab work and start learning how to read it.

                            My levels were pretty high once, then went back to normal after a couple weeks AF.

                            However, a specialist warned me that the enzyme tests do not always give a complete picture, because part of your liver could be damaged, but the part that isn't damaged is doing a good job, so the enzymes don't get elevated. So, you should definitely have more than blood work done if you are worried.
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                              my liver enzymes were also very high. I doctor said that they were high enough that she wanted me to get a liver biopsy. I did and it was not much fun and very scary. They stick a large needle in you side and all they way into your liver. You are awake the whole time. Good news is that the biopsy can back faily good. I had only a fatty liver and no hep. This made me really "clean up". I went back for some blood work about 6 months later and things were all fine. The bad news is that I took this info as a reason to celebrate (knowing that my liver was good). Well 3 months and I'm back in the same boat. I could really kick my self, but I'm know slowly back on the right path. The liver does do a good job at healing it's self.


                                Has anyone taken blood test for the liver?

                                cloudjockey, i have had a liver biopsy as well. It wasn't to horrible or painful, but very nerve wracking. I did have hep C which is why I had the biopsy. Thankfully I had very minimal damage to my liver, and now that the hep is gone as long as I stay healthy and beat the struggles I go through with alcohol the damage will heal.

