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A Question for the Boys...........

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    A Question for the Boys...........

    It`s cool may continue to enjoy your handsome hubby all to yourself.........they`re not`s purely (??? LOL) a specific older youngster who put the starries in my eyes!!! ha ha ha

    Starlight Impress x


      A Question for the Boys...........

      Umm, I'll give this a shot.


      Seriously. I don't know where you all are from, but around these parts, they're are a lot of gold diggers, and older men generally have more money than the young guys. Money equals security, and I think women are more attracted to being "taken care of" than just getting freaky. haha. So the next time you see a 21 year old supermodel with an old wrinkled prune, its probably the size of what's in his pants. His wallet.
      where does this go?


        A Question for the Boys...........

        Morrison.........shame on you!!! LOL

        Whatever happened to your sense of romance?

        Am an incurable help me!!! ha ha ha

        Starlight Impress x


          A Question for the Boys...........

          Starlight, I wasn't trying to offend. I understand that all the women on this board are extremely bright and independent. However, living in Vegas, I personally know a lot of cocktail mattresses, um, I mean waitresses that are not shy about looking for a guy with money. That is why a lot of times you see a gorgous young girl with an older guy. Now, are all woman like this? Absolutely not, thank God. However, it does exist, more so the closer you get out West. I just thought this was common knowledge.

          Oh, and I definately have a romantic side, probably more than most men. Its ironic considering how cynical I am.

          Really, there is a real reason for this. But, it gets into evolution, and there is no way I'm going to stir shit up with that one. Haha.

          Wow. I guess mentioning evolution is the absolute furthest thing from romance. Haha. Damn my left brained ways. I would say, go with Bear's post.
          where does this go?


            A Question for the Boys...........

            Morrison, money was the first thing that came to my mind as well, When I was in my mid 20's I dated several older men. Oldest being in his 60's. I met him on a flight he handed me his business card, on the back he had written " I don't know if you date older men, but I sure as hell date younger women" That sense of humor attracted me more than anything (including his money which he had plenty of). Women love to laugh, make her laugh you have a shot. BTW my husband was 23 when I married him I was 30. It will soon be 16 years of marriage. So Star, we can turn the tables on the older guys by going for the younger ones!
            Big Smiles


              A Question for the Boys...........

              Thanks simey. It might not be PC to say such things, but we all know money matters. Again, I could go into the Evolutionary reason for why men are attracted to certain women and vice versa, but I know that discussion could end badly. So, I'll leave this thread alone now, and let the romantics figure it out.
              where does this go?


                A Question for the Boys...........

                WOW I have no idea where this is going. But I will read along for the ride. I'm afraid I'm an old fart who doesn't have much to contribute. Please don't ask me about my past. That's just not fair! I'm not sure you guys could survive it, anyway. Let bygones be whatever..........................
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  A Question for the Boys...........

                  Wasn`t in the least offended.......we love you just the way you are, morrison!!! x

                  Simey..........16 yrs. eh?............guess your Toy Boy turned out to be a Joy Boy!!!

                  Starlight Impress x


                    A Question for the Boys...........

                    There are a lot of attractive vacant women out there that go out with older gross guys for money. It is extremely obvious. I mean please, explain Donald Trump's wife. Gimme a break.
                    The list could go on and on, I have no idea who they are fooling.

                    I could never do that. I could not sleep with someone because they are rich. If it were a by-product of the person I liked then I would have hit the jackpot. I've always been attracted to creative types so have never really dated money ever. Didn't marry it either. I date who I like and most guys that have a lot of money are either too full of themselves for me or cannot be trusted.

                    I know the power thing can be very powerful but it always turned me off.
                    Plus I am a control freak and most men with money like to be in charge. I am not that kind of woman. There are always exceptions but generally, this is our reality and men can get gross in their old age and we cannot so we have to jump through hoops to somehow hang onto them. I'll pass, if hubby doesn't love me with age then he can go. I am 5 years OLDER than my hubby. I'll be 39 tomorrow and he is 33 and will be 34 next month. The anti-aging stuff we have been talking about are for me, not for him. I am not happy with the way I look, he doesn't care. I am sure you are not shocked by that! I like em young and always have. Makes me feel young.
                    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                      A Question for the Boys...........

                      Good for you happy, in having a younger man also, and yes, us ladies do all but jump through hoops to defy the ageing process.

                      I agree, can spot a mile off, the 20-something bimbos that are drawn to significantly older men by their bank balance.

                      I just think many older men have great presence/charisma regardless of their income, or perhaps it`s just the Scotsmen who improve with age........dunno!!! LOL

                      Starlight Impress/aka ha ha ha x


                        A Question for the Boys...........

                        Hey Happy. Won't even comment on the avatar. You are you own women. :H Anyway, one of my best friends just turned 30, and his wife is a few years older than I am. I'm 34. I think she is 39. They are the happiest couple I've ever known. No joke. This talk of age is so overblown. It is very hard to find that special someone in life. If you screw it up over age, you're a fool. Sadly, so many fools walk amongst us, it creates the illusion that we are all a "certain way." Sure, I like pretty woman, who doesn't? But, brains are definately more important. When I was younger, I had so many pretty girls that liked me(don't ask me why,) but a lot were so moronic, I couldn't take it. The girl(I use this term cause we were young) that I had the longest relationship went to Columbia U. She was poor, but got in on scholorship. Not the most attractive girl in the world, but very, very smart. Looks will fade, but brains stick around much longer. Plus, I don't think I'd ever want to date a "10." Every time another guy gawks at her you'd want to punch him in the face. Haha. High maintenence. I'm down with the older ladies. :devil:
                        where does this go?


                          A Question for the Boys...........

                          What is wrong with the dang avatar??? When the US Open is over I will go back to Sesame Street.

                          See Morrison that's why we get we get along so well! We like people for who they are and not what they make.

                          The pretty girls liked you for a reason though. You underestimate yourself.

                          And maybe on some sick level I didn't feel worthy of a rich man so I always went for the ones I could save. I really don't know. But I know for sure when I was younger dating a man in his 40's or 50's was FORGET it. Never wanted to date anyone at an age anywhere near my dad (he was 23 when I was born).

                          I would not even want to date someone in their 50's now and I am going to be 39, that is if I were not married.
                          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                            A Question for the Boys...........

                            Umm, I don't know how well we will get along after you see my response to your tennis thread. :H
                            where does this go?


                              A Question for the Boys...........

                              ah crap...
                              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                                A Question for the Boys...........

                                I'd be happy to date any man who is still breathing at this stage........
                                It always seems impossible until it's done....

