We met one night at a bar when I was on a binge and brought him home and.....well....you know....for a few hours...
That was Nov. 22 and we had a date on the 25th and pretty much saw each other every day after that. Drinking was involved and our relationship was phisical. Then he up and asked me to marry him...:eek I said I would, but no more sleeping together. I didn't even really know him. Everyting was about drinking and sex. Anyway...he didn't take it very well but has obliged me and is going to counseling with me and to church. He doesn't spend the night anymore. He pretty much pouts all the time and whines about getting married.
OK....I thought I had that under control until this weekend when I said I would like to see if we could afford to get married this March. Right now my parents are supporting me since I got totally screwed in my divorce. I can't ask my parents to continue to support me after I get married if he doesn't make enough to make ends meet. So I told him yesterday that I was just going to LOOK at the budget and SEE.
Well....it won't work. We will be about 1000. short per month. I will for sure be getting partnership shares in my father's business in the near future that will make me completely independent so I'm not worried. We just have to wait til that happens.
I say Trust God and let's do this right and keep doing what we are doing and it will pay off and we will be blessed for it and our marriage will be blessed. I'm finally doing things right for the first time in my life.
My fiance says...Let's get married now and trust God and He will provide what we need every month until you get your shares. Anyway it may be months before you get them.
My thoughts-Why on earth would I want to give up my security right now when I'm so vulnurable after 15 years of a horrible marriage in the same exact financial situation of always being short every month and being the one to try to make ends meet....just so he can have sex and spend the night.....(was that a run on sentence....sorry)...>: Oh...and yesterday he said I really didn't need cable and I really didn't need my 4500 sq. ft home. That he didn't mind moving me and my 4 kids to a smaller home...excuse me....he lives with his parents right now since his divorce...and he has no kids. (sorry...rambling again.....)
So....any opinions??
