I am a fairly honest and open person. So I even mentioned the ONE TIME I drove drunk, how ashamed and frightened I was and that I vowed to never do that again. And I haven't even come close.
Yet, some of these people CAN"T LET IT GO. They keep talking about how I am out driving drunk and I could kill someone and how horrible it is....etc., I am not anymore. Yes, I did it, yes it was stupid, yes there could have been horrible consequences, but there wasn't, I can't undue it, and I'm never going to do it again....so quit beating that dead horse!

The other thing I kept being told is to leave my husband, get detoxed, go into an alcohol treatment program and attend AA.
I am not going to leave my hubby, We luv each other and he wants me to stop drinking as much or more than I want to. And that includes stopping himself. He is not the cause of my alcoholism. As far as detox, I did it once. Found out I didn't have the medical need they worried about with my epilepsy. As for going in a treatment program, I have gone in for something else. I am an excellent patient. I do whatever they want, WHILE THERE. But that's not the same as living in the real world, and I even come out with some resentment that I feel FORCED to stop whatever behavior. Irrational, yes, but as I say I KNOW MYSELF.
As for AA, it's a wonderful program, helped many fine people, but it's not for me. Enuf said.
MWO has been a great sense of community for me. A source of friendship, support and understanding. I was AF for 33 days and I know I and Joe can be again. Stupidly, with all the other forum laying all this crap on me, I feel like saying what the hell, and drinking TO SPITE THEM. But I'm not going to do that. MWO can and will help me thru these feeling. It did before. I thank you for letting me vent. I feel better already.:thanks: