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Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

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    Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

    I wrote a long post then lost it! That kind of day today...LOL. Anyway what the jist of it was is I post on another forum. It's not about drinking, but they do have one section about drinking and drugs too. When I realized I had a drinking problem I went there to receive advice and HA understanding.

    I am a fairly honest and open person. So I even mentioned the ONE TIME I drove drunk, how ashamed and frightened I was and that I vowed to never do that again. And I haven't even come close.

    Yet, some of these people CAN"T LET IT GO. They keep talking about how I am out driving drunk and I could kill someone and how horrible it is....etc., I am not anymore. Yes, I did it, yes it was stupid, yes there could have been horrible consequences, but there wasn't, I can't undue it, and I'm never going to do it quit beating that dead horse!

    The other thing I kept being told is to leave my husband, get detoxed, go into an alcohol treatment program and attend AA.

    I am not going to leave my hubby, We luv each other and he wants me to stop drinking as much or more than I want to. And that includes stopping himself. He is not the cause of my alcoholism. As far as detox, I did it once. Found out I didn't have the medical need they worried about with my epilepsy. As for going in a treatment program, I have gone in for something else. I am an excellent patient. I do whatever they want, WHILE THERE. But that's not the same as living in the real world, and I even come out with some resentment that I feel FORCED to stop whatever behavior. Irrational, yes, but as I say I KNOW MYSELF.

    As for AA, it's a wonderful program, helped many fine people, but it's not for me. Enuf said.

    MWO has been a great sense of community for me. A source of friendship, support and understanding. I was AF for 33 days and I know I and Joe can be again. Stupidly, with all the other forum laying all this crap on me, I feel like saying what the hell, and drinking TO SPITE THEM. But I'm not going to do that. MWO can and will help me thru these feeling. It did before. I thank you for letting me vent. I feel better already.:thanks:

    Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

    One thing you should keep in mind is that these reformed drinkers more than likely have driven drunk themselves. I don't know one single person who has an alcohol problem who hasn't at least once drove drunk. Sad, but true. You were being honest and now you are being chastised by it. Most reformed drinkers/smokers can be our worse enemies sometimes.

    In regards to your husband. Well, mine is an alchy too. I still have to deal with the fact he isn't completely ready to ditch the booze and try to remain supportive and encouraging. Sure it can be ever so frustrating and draining, and a lot of the times I think he is a total Butt Munch. I cannot expect him to drop it because I dropped it. He isn't ready yet. He isn't a piss tank anymore either because when he is at home drinking, with us here, doesn't really enjoy it all that much. A party of 1 in a house of 3 is pretty boring!! This is all good. There are times where I hate this man because I feel we can't move forward because he is still somewhat 'stuck' in the past with partying etc... but I just have to be patient. I know what he is going through. We do love each other too. Anyone that tells you to leave your husband on any community website has 'no clue' as to who you guys really are and what is really going on in your life. It is SO easy for say, like me, to tell you to "leave the guy" because honestly it doesn't affect my life one iota.

    Don't listen to them. And just let it roll off of your shoulders. You are doing remarkably well, and hey, we love you here and won't pass any judgment. :l

    Sorry for the long ramble.


      Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

      Honey, if I were judged for driving drunk...none of you would talk to me. The point is we are here to change. We WANT to and WILL if we aren't beaten up along the way. If everyone had turned their back on me I wouldn't be 4.5 months AF now. I was a wreck, but what would you have me to do...keep drinking and screwing up or change??? Thank God, I had nothing but loving support here. Yes, driving drunk is real dumb, but like you said...I can't take it back. What is done is done...all I can do is make sure I get help and never do it again, which is what I am doing.
      I don't think your environment is very supportive. Sometimes, you just have to walk away from situations that do not promote an environment in which you MUST have to heal. I would say...stop logging on to that site. They are offering you nothing but stress and turmoil. Coming here is completely voluntary, so log on to sites you leave feeling good about yourself, not worse than when you came.


        Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

        (((Luv and AFM)))

        Thank you. I'm sitting here at work crying because you are both so understanding and that touches me. Ur right! To heck w/that other site! If I am being triggered by it, why the heck should I go there. I am supported here and not judged for my past actions, only encouraged to deal with my issues. And that's what a support site is SUPPOSE to do!:l back atcha


          Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

          I think it`s of the utmost importance that none of us, as "reformed" drinkers, allow ourselves to become "cocky" and self-righteous preaching rights and wrongs to those still indulging.We have all done things(and how!!!) of which we aren`t proud when drunk.

          Your experiences with the other forum also makes me think of how abhorrent many ex-smokers find even a hint of the smell of cigarette smoke.

          Drinking, smoking, drugs.........nomatter the addiction.........we should all be happy to revel in our successes without forcing our opinions on others.

          And hart...........I too "know" that you and Joe will do it again.

          All my love,

          Starlight Impress x


            Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

            We're all really glad that you found MWO too Hart !! Just keep moving forward with a smile on your face Hon and you will win this race !!! Good for you !!!! Hugs,

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


              Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

              Hart: I agree with luvuall. Just don't logon there. Also, this is a cyberworld, the people here do not buy your food or pay your bills. When you log on to any site you're going to get opionions. How much these opinions impact your life is entirely up to you. Nobody, and I mean nobody can make you drink if you chose not to.


                Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

                hey you. i know exactly what you mean. been there done that, had the same response. you are trying, and i am trying. that is all that matters, is the future.. not the past. goo dluck


                  Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

                  (((Star, Niblet, Rob-u must be new-welcome, me)))

                  Yup, I am going to stop visiting the other site, but I do have trouble not answering if people continue to post on a thread of mine. It feels like not returning someone's call even if you don't like them, rude or something. But I'm not going on there for any other reason. Who needs the aggravation? :thanks:


                    Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

                    Others, more articulate than me said it all.
                    Thanks for sharing.


                      Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

                      Hart glad u back. Forget the other site, or rather learn from it. nothing is as good as MWO because no one here preaches or tells u wot to do. you have people here who genuinly care 4 u. we do it cuz we want to not cuz we told to. we all make mistakes. its whether we learn from them that matters . luv u hun xxxMaxxxx
                      Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                        Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

                        Hart, I totally understand what you are saying. (tho never drove drunk myself-ha ha, just a poke in the side). Really, you said it so right. Forget them. You are on the right track. We are all human and doing the best we can. Kudos to you!
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                          Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

                          (((Popeye, Max, beatle)))

                          Thanx for your support. I do feel better, and beatle glad u didn't drive and drink, so there!


                            Angry at reformed drinkers judging me


                            you are the one that supports us, so please don't take any notice and stay here with us. We love you and we know you can do it

                            I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                            I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                            Marilyn Monroe


                              Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

                              (((Diamond, Janie))))

                              Thanx friends. I like to hang w/u two too. But I won't wear a tutu :H

