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Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

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    Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

    If you feel so bad about not replying to the other forum, just tell them you are leaving and that you won't be back. (personally I would tell them why too!)
    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      Angry at reformed drinkers judging me


      Believe me I told them what I thought of their behavior. U might have noticed I'm not too shy


        Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

        yeah, it's not one of my failing either! lol
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

          Hi Hart, even though I am new here, I completely and deeply understand what you are saying. I really resent sanctimonious ex-drinkers/smokers (and even therapists) telling me similar very generalized, mean, scary and sanctimonious things; so now I simply avoid them. There are many "theories" for behavior and not one is 100% right/correct for everyone -- it's just impossible logically ... theories are not facts. Anyway do it your way, the best you can, and stick around those people who encourage you, respect and love you without demeaning you and without scaring you -- I absolutely DESPISE scare tactics, no way to live, may cause people to react in the exact opposite way than expected. You sound strong and terrific and have strong support here. Take good care
          Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


            Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

            Hart !
            We're with you hon ! People don't always understand ! If we could all fiquire it out we would'nt do what we do ! Support! that's what we need . AF days is what we're after ! IAD
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


              Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

              Reform drinkers !
              Remember where you came from ! It's a short drop from reform to dependency ! Alcohol is a never ending grip ! Though you think you have it can draw you back ! IAD
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

                Don't worry about it. They're only people on the internet. Apart from here, i haven't been able to find another site where i can get a good sense of the people i am interacting with.

                As for not returning other people's posts, let them go on... who cares? You don't need their approval for closure
                One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                  Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

                  You're on the right path here, and we all support you!



                    Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

                    Hart, it dosen't matter what other people think of you. Only what you think of yourself. You are the one who looks in the mirror everday and makes that call. That should be the end of it there. It took me a very long time to realize, to borrow a line from Seinfeld "I am master of my own domain" You are doing very well!!!!! stop listening to the negative. Garbage in= garbage out. So trust yourself darling, your doing what is right for Hart. Btw, if i was a year younger for everything stupid thing I did while drinking, I'd be in diapers by now.
                    Love & hugs


                      Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

                      (((Janks, IAD, Change, Julie, Mags)))

                      Thanx for your support. Funny, as I said I can't not answer when someone posts on a post I started. And two more people posted on my post. I have 98 posts on there! None are as close in that forum. Some are simply concerned and I appreciate that. But I still had two that said, Even one time is too much to drink and drive and many of her friends were killed by drunk drivers...must live in a college town or something I don't know. And another that I can't be happy. Well I am basically happy. Especially now that I and Joe are working on AF, day 2! And I didn't kill anyone, yes I was graced not to, but it's almost as if she is asking I turn myself in now!:H

                      Thanx to all my understanding friends here. We can't change the past, but we can certainly effect the present. That's what I'm doing, and utilizing MWO to do so.:l


                        Angry at reformed drinkers judging me


                        If it makes you feel any better, I have driven drunk COUNTLESS times, had 1 major accident and still did it again and again. In this country people drive drunk all the time, it's almost completely acceptable (it has a lot to do with public transport-or shall I say the LACK OF).

                        Don't let people judge you, judges are boring and belong in court! Stay here where we accept you and show you support...
                        Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                        Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                          Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

                          Thanx D I will.


                            Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

                            hart;182007 wrote: I wrote a long post then lost it! That kind of day today...LOL. Anyway what the jist of it was is I post on another forum. It's not about drinking, but they do have one section about drinking and drugs too. When I realized I had a drinking problem I went there to receive advice and HA understanding.

                            I am a fairly honest and open person. So I even mentioned the ONE TIME I drove drunk, how ashamed and frightened I was and that I vowed to never do that again. And I haven't even come close.

                            Yet, some of these people CAN"T LET IT GO. They keep talking about how I am out driving drunk and I could kill someone and how horrible it is....etc., I am not anymore. Yes, I did it, yes it was stupid, yes there could have been horrible consequences, but there wasn't, I can't undue it, and I'm never going to do it quit beating that dead horse!

                            The other thing I kept being told is to leave my husband, get detoxed, go into an alcohol treatment program and attend AA.

                            I am not going to leave my hubby, We luv each other and he wants me to stop drinking as much or more than I want to. And that includes stopping himself. He is not the cause of my alcoholism. As far as detox, I did it once. Found out I didn't have the medical need they worried about with my epilepsy. As for going in a treatment program, I have gone in for something else. I am an excellent patient. I do whatever they want, WHILE THERE. But that's not the same as living in the real world, and I even come out with some resentment that I feel FORCED to stop whatever behavior. Irrational, yes, but as I say I KNOW MYSELF.

                            As for AA, it's a wonderful program, helped many fine people, but it's not for me. Enuf said.

                            MWO has been a great sense of community for me. A source of friendship, support and understanding. I was AF for 33 days and I know I and Joe can be again. Stupidly, with all the other forum laying all this crap on me, I feel like saying what the hell, and drinking TO SPITE THEM. But I'm not going to do that. MWO can and will help me thru these feeling. It did before. I thank you for letting me vent. I feel better already.:thanks:
                            your will power to not drink and drive is commendable. i cant make that decision because when i get blasted it's a different person and i have no control over that maniac. lol. havent driven drunk since 98. used to do it all the time in the nineties. i could have killed someone..... but if that was ever the case, i would have hung myself 5 minutes after the cell door was closed.


                              Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

                              Are you angry because these people are judging you or are you continue to judge yourself? Let it go if you don't do it anymore. It is in the past -- you can't change it. If you allow others to make you feel guilty for what you have done in the past, you can't be who you really need to be. For those who want to judge you, let them go. But do understand their warning -- drinking and driving don't mix!


                                Angry at reformed drinkers judging me

                                Youngster, " It's easier to tame a donkey with a carrot than with a whip" (Sorry Hart did'nt want you to think I thought of you as a donkey. ha!) Just a saying ! IAD.
                                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                                Dr. Seuss

