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AF Beer

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    AF Beer

    I haven't seen to many posts about AF drinks. Is AF beer ok on MWO? Please say it is. I know it has a trace (0.5%) of alcohol.

    I found with me it sometimes take the edge off without giving me a craving for the real thing.

    Thoughts anyone?

    AF Beer

    Hey Irishguy!!

    Congrats on Day 11!!!! )

    I saw a thread the other day on that. People seem to be divided--- it is great for some, but not for others. I think the important thing is how you feel. If it starts to create cravings for the real thing, you'll know it. If it keeps you AF, then cool!!

    Keep us all posted on that! Have a great evening! )



      AF Beer

      Thanks PinkLady,

      Thanks for the congrats - you have a great evening too.


        AF Beer

        I agree, if you are satisfied and not looking for the "buzz" then enjoy a cold one I say !!!

        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


          AF Beer

          I drank AF wine and beer when I initially went AF in 2005. I pretty much replaced the alcohol stuff with the AF stuff. I would often go through a 12 pack of AF beer or at least a bottle of AF wine. While it didn't have the same effect, I made it back to regular stuff. Just use caution when drinking the AF stuff. If you are drinking a can or so here and there to enjoy the taste, go for it, but if you are doing what I did, could be a recipe for disaster.


            AF Beer

            Thnaks all. I've only ben having one or two at a time, and then not every day. After a couple I beginto get bloated and stop.


              AF Beer


              for me it is brilliant, I get to drink lager without the bad side effects. It totally so doesn't make me want the 'real' stuff in fact I love it and it has stopped me craving the real stuff.

              I think if you are a drinker of alcohol, no matter how long you abstain and by what methods you will always have some cravings for it.

              I drink 4 cans a night (occassionally 6) and have been af for 15 weeks this week, I don't want a real beer or lager at all, and I have had major stress recently.

              I hope it helps you if you enjoy it
              Diamond x
              I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
              I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

              Marilyn Monroe


                AF Beer


                Congratulations on 15 weeks AF. That's awesome!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work. AF beer really does help for me and it tastes better than many Americaan brews. I become attached to St Pauli Girl Lager. I'm not a beer drinker generally so one or two is more than enough for me. I wish I had a case of AF beer tonight, but no, I had a few glasses of wine, so tomorrow I go back to Day 1. The Bad new? I fell off the wagon. The good news? I'm going to dust myself off tomorrow and start again. If I can think it, I can do it.


                  AF Beer

                  Here's to your day 1 !!! Onward !! I love your attitude and your ideas... That is more than half of this battle we all share !! All the best to you and get yourself some AF beers in the fridge,,, STAT ! Take Care,

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                    AF Beer

                    Hi guys, very interesting post. I have been drinking beer for 20 years and recently, ie: 2 weeks ago, decided to go AF, which I have managed to do except for one Saturday night. I to find that drinking AF beer really helps me. It's not the greatest taste but it "feels" like a beer minus the nasty alcohol. So, for me, 2 to 4 AF beers a day keeps the Carlsberg away. I do keep in mind that there is an average of 8 grams of sugar and 80 calories per can.. so I can't see myself drinking 10 of those a day..that would defeat my goal of loosing the BEER GUT !!!

                    Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


                      AF Beer

                      Thanks so much Niblet. I do have some AF beer in the fridge but unfortunately the beast won last night. It may have won last night's battle, but I'm going to win the war.

                      Riker: I agree an AF beer is better then the Carlsburg, or wine in my case. What brand do you drink? I do like the St Pauli Girl. I wouldn't worry about the 80 calories too much as it's less than the real thing. I've also learned that in weight loss, the body burns the most available fuel source avaialble first. In my case that would would alcohol, and then fat. My thinking is is by having an AF beer you don't have the alcohol in your system and can therefore burn the fat more easily. Does that makes sense? Maybe I'm just smoking too much funny stuff (only kidding).


                        AF Beer

                        I'm helping BB so bump


                          AF Beer

                          I like odouls amber.
                          It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                          James Gordon, M.D.


                            AF Beer

                            AF beer got me thru my first trimester. Hubby & I partied on weekends & me on weekdays as well. Then I found out I was pregnant & I had to stop. But drinking became such a habit that I tamed the beast with AF beer. Eventually I got tired of the taste & started showing & I felt weird being pregnant & ordering AF beer.

                            It helps some people & hurts some people. Only you can decide. Good luck & onward & upward.
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              AF Beer

                              Breez, I'm finding that it helps me - thanks for the post and continued success to you.

