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Exercise Thread August 21 - Woo Hoo!

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    Exercise Thread August 21 - Woo Hoo!

    Just trying to sound enthusiastic here!

    Well, it's Tuesday, August 21 here in Aussie land. I missed out on my walk yesterday due to poor time management skills and a sleep-in, but am back at 'em today. It's currently 10:50am and am planning my walk at 11:30.

    I'll check back in to let you know how it went.
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    Exercise Thread August 21 - Woo Hoo!

    Good Morning Sunshine !!!! I'm here in Canada and it is Monday evening at almost 9:00 pm... I have 6 loaves of homemade 7-grain bread raising to go into the oven before I sleep... I feel sooo awesome today !!! Enjoy your day and after I wake up on this side of the world on our Tuesday I hope to still have some of this get-up-and-go still goin' !!! ha !! ha!! Have a really nice walk ! I'll check in on our "tomorrow", Hugs,

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      Exercise Thread August 21 - Woo Hoo!

      Hi Niblet,

      I'm glad you feel awesome! I wonder if that's the exercise or your general state of mind? (but i am sure both are related).

      Home-made bread... (insert smiley face rubbing stomach here)!

      Well, i went for walk to relieve a bit of anxiety and for general exercise.

      Reading that you are feeling so good makes me want to reach that level again. Was feeling good last week, but blew it on sunday night by drinking. Ugh.

      Anyhow, back on the wagon and will exercise like mad this week to get the toxins out of my body...
      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


        Exercise Thread August 21 - Woo Hoo!

        Hi Guys,

        The weather is absolutely awful here in the UK. It's raining that awful fine rain that gets you soaked.

        Still, I'm off with the boys this week and took them to junior circuit training yesterday when the grown ups also join in. I'm aching a bit today but felt great after I'd done it. Took them swimming for an hour afterwards, so felt positively good, then took the dog to the local field and did a few circuits with my friend.

        Having a lazy day today as the weather is so bad, but going to see my dad later. Will be out and about again tomorrow - it's my mum's 2 year anniversary of her death so will take loads of plants to the grave and plant them all up, so I'll take the kids and dog and go for a long walk afterwards as it's going to be quite an emotional day.

        The bread sounds wonderful. I can smell it through the pc.



          Exercise Thread August 21 - Woo Hoo!

          It's a bit quiet here today!

          I went for my 50 min walk, worked the most boring day of my life :/ and now feel tired. Good.

          Sweet Cheeks, i hope everything goes well with your mum's anniversary tomorrow. I know how hard they can be :l .


          Btw, i am very curious about that 'fine rain'...!
          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


            Exercise Thread August 21 - Woo Hoo!

            Not much to report - I've been putting in some time at the gym. I'd rather be outside on my bike but Sweet is right about the terrible weather (fine rain, heavy rain, just rain, rain, rain).
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              Exercise Thread August 21 - Woo Hoo!

              Hi all,

              sorry i have missed a few days, but I am back.
              Took kids to a play park today, with loads of green areas around, walked circuits while kids played, did approx 1.5 miles (2km) fast walking to raise heartbeat.
              Then on mini hike with kids to some ruined Abbey nearby, good day with kids all round. (i forgot to say it was miserable day here, but rain not heavy - it doesn't stop me or kids tho, I love the rain)

              Diamond x
              I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
              I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

              Marilyn Monroe


                Exercise Thread August 21 - Woo Hoo!

                felt really weak working out on Sat. we'll see how tonight goes...I think I'm pretty well un-bruised
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Exercise Thread August 21 - Woo Hoo!

                  Wow! This sounds like a down day with exercise for a few of us, including me. Yesterday, I worked long hours all day until pretty late at night. I meant to go to the gym this morning. That was until my son threw his car into a ditch on the top of a mountain late last night. (In his defense, it was very bad weather) He's OK, but that kept us up very late and kept us busy all day with dealing with the damage. For those of you with children, don't ever let them become teenagers, we've been through this before. I have appointments early tomorrow morning and must work tonight to make up for lost time today. Don't know when I will get back to the gym. Hopefully on Friday. I need it. I'll be back there as soon as I can be.
                  Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                    Exercise Thread August 21 - Woo Hoo!

                    I didn't exercise either, I have been so stressed out with TEENAGERS, Mags!! Get this - I now have four of them. Anyway - I am happy to read that everyone is posting and wants to exercise, and tomorrow I am going to do it. I wish I had time to go for a walk tonight. Good luck to all.


                      Exercise Thread August 21 - Woo Hoo!

                      FOUR OF THEM!!! Good luck!!! Hope you survive. I only had two and it has been ....................
                      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                        Exercise Thread August 21 - Woo Hoo!

                        Havent had time to check in here, but I am always trying to keep a regular excercise routine -- mainly combo of brisk walking and running. But its been so darn HOT the last six weeks with heat index spiking around 110 everday. So that's been my excuse. But starting last week, I have been going at least four nights a week to the beach (which is a few miles away) and walking and running in the evenings while sun is setting so its not so hot. Plus there's always the ocean breeze to help a bit. I decided to take my labarador with me tonight as she loves the beach, and I swear she must have been a "trainer" in diguise! I couldnt find her leash anywhere, and since she is very obedient and always stays right by my side, I figured what the heck. But the wind was blowing really hard on the way back to the pier where I parked, and she suddenly saw a bunch of pelicans floating in shallow water. She took off despite all my yelling at her, and of course the pelicans all took off long before she arrived, but she got disoriented when she turned around back to shore. She took off running looking for me in the opposite direction of where we were heading back to the car and by now it is almost completely dark. I was terrified as with the wind blowing my scent away in a diff direction, I thought I would never see her again. So after three miles of running and walking already, I had to take of running as FAST as I could backtracking up the beach trying to catch her. (running in sand is twice as hard) I was getting hysterical, and all the sudden after about five minutes of running and about to vomit, I finally saw her in the distance and she was just standing as if waiting for me to come for her. I was SO thankful, because I would have stayed out there all night trying to find her. My husband would never forgive me if I lost her! So if anyone needs some variety in their routine and a beach view..... come visit and take my dog to the beach!!!

                        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                          Exercise Thread August 21 - Woo Hoo!

                          OH my Allie, what a workout! I think my Casey would do the same thing, run and run and be oblivious to where she was at until it was time to find mom. Glad you found her ok!


                            Exercise Thread August 21 - Woo Hoo!

                            Hello All.. Just got home but wanted to check in. Did a 40 minute run today and pushups/situps and feel good. Day 11 no, it's after midnight here, Day 12 for me! Time to hit the nest... Good night .. Don


                              Exercise Thread August 21 - Woo Hoo!

                              Don, you put me to shame. But good for you!
                              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

