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Made a big boo boo the other night..

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    Made a big boo boo the other night..

    Oh *sigh*,

    You know the story. Went out for 'one' drink, which ended up being almost one bottle of wine. And i had the darndest feeling not to go.

    Anyhow, the problem is i have recently made friends with a business competitor after a brief fallout. We both went to a friends house and in my intoxicated state, i ended up making a business proposition to her and her friend. Whilst i trust her friend, i have had several issues with my 'friend' in the past. We work in the same industry, it is competitive and i need to protect my best interests. Furthermore, she is a raging gossip and makes me feel really uncomfortable when she says things about other people. I am thinking of telling her this, just to be honest. She also says some really nasty things about people, yet comes off smelling like roses.

    To cut a long story short, i have entered into a verbal business agreement with these two people and of course you can guess that i regret it immensly!

    I feel like the whole thing is like a death wish to me. I just have a really bad feeling about being associated with her at a business level. My life has been good lately and my happiness most important to me. Going into this business will not make me happy in the long run, if at all.

    Not only did i feel guilty for drinking (and still do), i felt poisonous and scared. Scared of what i have done.

    How am i going to get out of it?

    I wish i could turn the clock back and have followed my instincts, which in the end told me not to go in the first place.

    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    Made a big boo boo the other night..

    Just don't do it. Make something up. It's a verbal agreement, it means nothing. Try not to worry about it too much. If they are mad what's the worst that can happen?
    Good luck, really, try not to stress too much. Good luck!:h
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


      Made a big boo boo the other night..

      did you pinkie swear you were going to do it? If not, I'd have second thoughts as well.


        Made a big boo boo the other night..

        I will make something up. News travels really fast in my industry, that's why i am always careful to be discreet. But, in this case, i have let my guard down.

        I am thinking i will tell them i can't get the cashflow together. But, knowing me, i will end up telling thet truth: that last time i tried to go into business with her she laughed at my ideas in my face and made faces at our other
        colleagues everytime i said something she didn't agree with :bonkers: .

        Just talking about this is making me angry. It's like she is jealous and has to have what i have had.

        I am so non-sensible sometimes.
        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


          Made a big boo boo the other night..

          Ugh, I understand the opening your mouth and being too generous when you have had too much to drink thing. I would suggest just saying you were caught up in the moment, but the more you think about it might not be the best thing right now, hope you have not hurt anyone's feeling, etc. It will be over with soon. Good Luck. Don't stress too much about it.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Made a big boo boo the other night..

            That's actually a good idea Lushy... thanks.

            Love your comments about 'being too generous'... so true. It's horrible and the feeling you get the next morning is horrible because you realise you have made a mistake.

            I've really got to stop drinking full stop.
            One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


              Made a big boo boo the other night..

              Uuggh change..........your story brings back horrid memories........Boy!!!, do I have one big gob when drunk!!! LOL

              O.K., so you did make a verbal agreement, but having sobered up you realize that this isn`t in your best interests. I may not be very comfortable with having to do it, but I would do as Lushy says and pull out, as casually as possible.It`ll all blow over soon enough.

              Why is it that some, like you and I, would all but grant a stranger 3 wishes when drunk??? LOL

              Starlight Impress x


                Made a big boo boo the other night..

                Starlight Impress;182299 wrote: Why is it that some, like you and I, would all but grant a stranger 3 wishes when drunk??? LOL
                Starlight Impress x
                Oh, i don't know. I am superman, or superwoman when i am drunk. Not attractive.

                But, you're right about 'pulling out casually', that is the problem, i make such a big deal of things that it works against me.
                One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                  Made a big boo boo the other night..

                  If you have a 'really bad feeling' about it - don't do it!

                  About 10 years ago I went into business with a woman who at least I did trust and it seemed like an exciting idea at the time (even though there was a slight uneasy feeling in the back of my head that I just ignored).

                  Fast-forward through a year of unbelievable stress, stand-up arguments, door slamming and general misery. The business went bust, our personal relationship ended and we were left with a big bank loan to pay off - and had to grit our teeth and remain civil to each other for the two years it took to do that. But at least we still respected each other enough to play fair with sharing the debts.

                  If you go into business with someone you have bad feelings about, it won't just affect the business itself, but if it fails it will affect the way things are wound up (disagreements about who owes what, who's liable for which debts etc). And you've already fallen out once without the stress of being in business together (and, really, I've never experienced stress like it) - not a good sign for working together.

                  Blame it on the booze, blame it on cashflow, blame it on anything - just don't go there!
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    Made a big boo boo the other night..

                    Yep change - i agree with all this, I too have said things and done things I totally regret, and that's when sober !

                    If you can face her - then tell her you can't do it, tewll a white lie or tell the truth, the truth will not harm you later a white lie may?
                    Tell her 'at present it is not viable for you and in the future you will reconsider'. - that's not a lie is it,it isn't viable for you at the moment with her, you didn't say you will re-consider with her and you didn't say you don't have money. Just don't get into a long converation, tell her someone is in your office you can't talk but just wanted to quickly let her know...

                    Just don't start it and regret it, she will damage your name and business and your life.

                    Good Luck

                    Diamond x
                    I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                    I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                    Marilyn Monroe


                      Made a big boo boo the other night..

                      I am very new but I think the focus needs to be on the fact that you got trashed and created unneeded and unwelcome drama in your life and that once again, there is further confirmation that alcohol presents problems in your life. The focus should be on the act of the overdrinking, not on the dumb things we do afterward. When I became AF the dumb mistakes seem to diminish immensely. And, trust me, there were so many dumb mistakes and decisions made under the influene in my life that they can't even be counted!
                      Admitting you're an a-hole is the first step


                        Made a big boo boo the other night..

                        Marshy;182369 wrote: If you have a 'really bad feeling' about it - don't do it!
                        Yeah, thanks Marshy. Although she is a friend and i love her dearly (i think), she turns information into gossip, which results in me either not trusting her, or slightly trusting her and feeling really silly afterwards due to leaving myself vulnerable, which is always a really bad idea. In the past, it got to the point where i couldn't be friends with her due to this gossiping, but we have recently rekindled the friendship, which isn't a good idea.

                        So, yeah, thanks for sharing your story with me Marshy. It is a good thing that you and your former partner stayed civil enough to settle the bills. I am actually hoping she will gang up with this guy and sell me out. It would work perfectly!

                        Diamond, i like your "at present it is not viable for you and in the future you will reconsider". That is something that is definately on the cards.

                        Also, living proof, you are right. Although i agree with you that alcohol brings unwanted drama into my life (and boy has it ever), i feel in this instance i have to do something about it, because unfortunately she is an industry person and when you work in a particular industry, news travels.

                        But, i don't even care anymore. I will use Diamond's words to get out of it.
                        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                          Made a big boo boo the other night..

                          Update: saw the guy and girl who i am supposed to do this with last night, on two seperate occasions. He didn't seem to remember anything about it, i think he was drunker than me on the night, and the girl sort of avoided me or seemed embarrased or intimidated somehow. I don't know why... But, at least i have some time and distance on this so that i can truely decide what i want to do.

                          So, yeah, thanks for your responses... You succeeded in easing my anxiety just long enough for me not to make a stupid decision..

                          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

