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I really need some support

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    I really need some support

    Elizabeth, I missed your voice. You are going through lots right now, and yet you sound very strong. Let us hear from you more often?
    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


      I really need some support

      If you could share your mom with us, that would also be a wonderful gift. But only if it would be good for her - we must think of her. I am just so glad to hear from you again. This next bit of time will be tough, I know. Don't be afraid to reach out. Bushbaby Warrior!!!!
      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


        I really need some support

        Elizabeth;182509 wrote: I come from a family where my parents separated when I was 3. Grew up as a demonstrative kid in the Kenya bush with my Uncle and Aunt. They could not handle me BUT my step Mum arrived and totally changed my life. She understood me, backed me and taughted me so much about caring ~ something I had a natural infinity with and could realistically fullfill.

        My mother by birth is dying of cancer. She has, in the past done the best to spoil everything I have with my natural Dad and my dead step Mum (she died one week after my 21st birthday), but now my matural mother is dying. Like me she believes in God, life after death.

        Spoke to Dad the other day. He believes I am strong and I am right, in helping my maturnal Mum.

        How can you not help someone that gave birth to you? I would not be here otherwise. I'm actually very excited and just want her to make it on KLM's flight to Kilimanjaro next Thursday. There is so much we have to talk about. Want my maturnal mother to be here, enjoy my extensive African garden.
        if it makes you feel any better i'm from chicago and went on a safari in kenya like 10 years ago. it was an incredible trip. say hi to Abdee for me. he was our driver when we drove around the bush during the days and nights.


          I really need some support

          Do what you can, while you can. I think it is better to try now while she is here rathere than lose the chance and look back and wish you would have.

          Good Luck,
          Here we go again.

          AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


            I really need some support

            I'm helping BB, so BUMP.

