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I really need some support

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    I really need some support

    I come from a family where my parents separated when I was 3. Grew up as a demonstrative kid in the Kenya bush with my Uncle and Aunt. They could not handle me BUT my step Mum arrived and totally changed my life. She understood me, backed me and taughted me so much about caring ~ something I had a natural infinity with and could realistically fullfill.

    My mother by birth is dying of cancer. She has, in the past done the best to spoil everything I have with my natural Dad and my dead step Mum (she died one week after my 21st birthday), but now my matural mother is dying. Like me she believes in God, life after death.

    Spoke to Dad the other day. He believes I am strong and I am right, in helping my maturnal Mum.

    How can you not help someone that gave birth to you? I would not be here otherwise. I'm actually very excited and just want her to make it on KLM's flight to Kilimanjaro next Thursday. There is so much we have to talk about. Want my maturnal mother to be here, enjoy my extensive African garden.
    A BushBaby with Attitude

    I really need some support

    Elizabeth, it takes a strong person to want to connect with your birth mother after she has caused you much pain. I admire you for being able to do this and I hope the time you spend with her is great.


      I really need some support

      I am so reaching out to u guys. Have so many feelings but none of u answer. I dont think I am special ~ just a Kenya girl, living in Tanzania. Have a lot of mountains to climb, sad I can't talk to u.
      A BushBaby with Attitude


        I really need some support


        With people scattered all over the world, sometimes it is a while before someone answers your posts.

        I agree, you are a very strong person to try to help you birth mother in her last days, especially since it was your step mother who was really there for you.

        Perhaps this role of caregiver will also be good for you. A chance to give unselfishly to someone without there being a reason like commitment, just pure caring.

        I wish I could see your garden. In my mind's eye it looks very beautiful.

        Take care
        AF April 9, 2016


          I really need some support

          Elizabeth - I'm here too...

          I so hope your time with your maternal mother is all you wish for. And that she and you reach Kilimanjaro and she sees your garden - it sounds beautiful. The picture on your post is beautiful too.

          You sound a lovely person and I look forward to hearing more about you. Tell us about what happens with the trip...

          Feet x
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            I really need some support

            Memarcie, thanks. Hard time coming up but it will be ok. Dad just called me from Scotland and he filled me with hope and joy. Thank God for wondeful Dads. He always was special.
            A BushBaby with Attitude


              I really need some support

              Thanks u guys. I'm full of emotion right now. Not just today. I believe in God, life after death, and the forgiveness of all stupid things I do. Thank God for friends, Dad and Mums.
              A BushBaby with Attitude


                I really need some support

                Would u guys mind if I introduce my matural mum to u all when she arrives? I'd love to do that.
                A BushBaby with Attitude


                  I really need some support


                  I'm so happy to hear from you. It's been such a long time since I've heard your lovely voice. You are a very strong and very sensitive woman. I know that you are giving all you can to your natural mom and I hope and truly think this will be a wonderful experience for you also. You are a giving person and I think you will receive a lot of long lost love in this process also. Please keep us informed.
                  Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                    I really need some support

                    Elizabeth;182577 wrote: Would u guys mind if I introduce my matural mum to u all when she arrives? I'd love to do that.
                    Oh Elizabeth, that would be wonderful!


                      I really need some support

                      Ditto, please share your mum with us.

                      It lovely to see you back with us Elizabeth.

                      Big Hugs, BB xx


                        I really need some support

                        Yes Elizabeth, I believe that we will always have an inexplicable bond with our natural mothers, even if a birth mother has caused us pain in life. You have an enormous heart to be there for your mum at this time.

                        I look forward to hearing from her and yourself again.

                        Much love,

                        Starlight Impress x


                          I really need some support

                          My best friends in Kenya, who grew up with me r not to sure about this. I am glad that Dad has supported me emotionally with this. I needed that. Last week a good friend, 2 years younger than me died of a massive heart attack. Everyone was too scared to go in the logal morgue and wash/dress her ready or her cremation. Me and Lesley (a friend) went and did it.

                          Its not an issue.. thats the way I want to go. But its over.... but during the whole thing I kept thinking that I will have to do it again for my maturnal mother very soon. I prepared my step dad when my maturanal Mum needed help. But the fact that my Dad called me tonight was the most, most wonderful thing ever.

                          Always thought I was the 'Macora' (English translation of Swahili means 'Naughty One!')
                          I am full of emotion.

                          Born within mountains and forrest. Walking barefoot all day dreaming, with parents that had only one question when I came home with dirty feet... "where have you been all day,?" I'd either been trout fishiing or playing with wild animals in the Aberdare Mountains (where I come from).

                          I have a step mother who made me what I am ~ TOTALLY. She is long dead but very much in my heart. I have a Dad WHO I LOVE TO BITS. He did his best to make me give up Kenya ciitisenship and actually dis~owned me when I refused to do what he wanted. Now we are the best of mates because he acknowledges my strength and reakons I am something.

                          Funny. Needed to talk to him today so much. So glad he called, so glad he believes in what I am doing.
                          A BushBaby with Attitude


                            I really need some support

                            Elizabeth! I've been wondering what you were up to.

                            Well, it's good to hear from you, and even though you face a very challenging time now, it sounds like you are well prepared.

                            All the best to you. Please keep us updated. Don't be a stranger...
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              I really need some support

                              p.s. yeah, Dad's are great, even though they often keep their distance.
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

