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    A repost from the meds thread. I was hoping someone who has taken these drugs before might comment. I do know some have hated the Lexapro, while others have done well.

    I was just hoping for some input from some out there who have used this combo or anything like it.

    I simply could not tolerate the topa. It affected me mentally in ways that is actually hurting my work. I titrated down slowly and got off of it.

    However, I did not want to give up, so I went back to my doctor. He was very kind. I explained that the few days I have done AF has really pointed out that anxiety is a big piece of my problem.

    So, he has put me on Campral, Naltroxene and Lexapro.

    He has told me the Lexapro will not kick in for 4 to 7 weeks, so I will have to tough out the anxiety part for a while.

    However, I am hopeful that the Campral and Naltrexone will help me through these early days.

    Wish me luck, everyone, I am so determined to get to the Long Term AF stage!!

    (I also do the l-glut, the kudzu doesn't help me at all.)

    AF April 9, 2016


    I've never heard of taking naltrexone AND campral together. Has anyone else?

    I am very anti SSRIs. I have tried most, though not lexapro, and they just messed me up more than I ever was. I'm surprised your doc prescribed this for anxiety. This is an antidepressant. There are lots of other meds for anxiety. Some are addictive, but so are SSRIs. There are also a lot of natural remedies for anxiety.

    If you are depressed, by the way, that is supposed to get less after a couple weeks AF.

    Good luck and keep us all posted.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



      Dear db2,
      A couple of years ago I was on lexapro. I liked it and for me it kicked in after only a few weeks. I got off lexapro because I was worried about the combination of alcohol (bad for liver). Well, the alcohol won over lexapro. As for the combination I can't help you there. Instead of taking the topa, I'm trying something different. I heard that the stop smoking medication of Chantix has helped some alcoholics with their drinking. This is my second week of Chantix with the MWO herbal meds and the CD's. Something is working because my craving isn't like it use to be. Since I've started, the first week I had 2 beers at night. Last weekend I saw my sister and only had 2 glasses of wine (and she is my drinking buddy). This week I'm trying not to have anything to drink. When smokers take Chantix they can smoke the first week and are encouraged to stop starting the second week. I know of 3 people who have been months without smoking. Anyway, I thought I'd give this a try because the topamax scared me. Hope you can find someone who can give you advice on the other drugs.

