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How to save a life...

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    How to save a life...

    Hey Betty,

    How weird is this. I've just been scanning posts and honestly thought your post was about first aid or de-fib machines or something and didn't read the thread. Don't get me wrong I didn't think it wouldn't be valuable but I just thought I'd look at it later.

    Well I went onto Limewire (sorry I know it's naughty) and guess which song I'm downloading? Yep this song byThe Fray. I heard it today, not for the first time but decided I'd google the lyrics and find out what it was. I thought it was called Where did I go wrong, which is a line to ponder all on it's own. I opened your thread after I started the download.

    I'm not quite sure how I feel about fate and conicindences but my life is taking a bit of a life of it's own at the moment, does this make sense??? Things keep happening that are a little out of the ordinary and I'm just kinda going with it.

    There is a sweet little Anime film on YouTube that someone has put with this song.

    Anyway just thought I'd share. Hope you are not feeling too low Betty. And thanks, not sure what for if that makes sense, the lyrics are really moving but somehow I feel there is more than just coincidence at work at the moment. Feels like I was right to get back to MWO when I did.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


      How to save a life...


      That is awesome, to feel the "power" as it were, for lack of better words.

      I, for one, am glad you are back. I know you went through such a rough time and now it appears you are on the downslope. yahoo, get ready for the ride

      AF April 9, 2016


        How to save a life...

        They are some pretty good lyrics. I didn't know it was about drugs/alcohol, just somebody offing themselves. Guess when we are drinking and doing drugs, we really are offing ourselves.
        where does this go?


          How to save a life...

          betty boop;182647 wrote: Cindi, it makes me think that we could stay up all night helping someone here and still not say the right thing .........

          Sorry guys just feeling low .......
          Yes - but Betty - you also need to remember all the times you DID!

          I, for one, wouldn't be where I am today if not for you "saying the right thing..".

          I hope that one day I will be able to do for someone else what you did for me!

          Love and Hugs :h :l

          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


            How to save a life...

            Betty Boop you as always are an inspiration to me !!! Do you know that ?!?? I had chills reading the lyrics to this song.. It is so raw and sooo ... real... so... us... Love that you share it... Hugs to you,

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


              How to save a life...

              I've been listening to the song again, and like Morrison I didn't know the song was about addiction. The lyrics do seem to have more meaning when you know the meaning of them.

              And Betty when I joined I was given some great support and advise and you where one of the very first to welcome me. Do you remember the thread about seeing reminders of the MWO members?? I saw a Betty Boop on a float on a program on the TV tonight about theme parks and it made me think about that old thread.

              Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                How to save a life...

                Yes, I remember, Kitty, I am so glad that you are doing well............


                  How to save a life...

                  How to Save a Life

                  Maybe this isn't the place to post this, but I just received some gut wrenching news about my grand daughter... The cancerous tumor on her spine has started to grow again. She has been in remission for a year now, but the tumor has doubled in size and she will need surgery soon. I am planning on going to John Hopkins in September or early October.

                  She is only ten and this will be her third surgery. Not a good prognosis. Please keep her in your thoughts. Her name is Hannah Rose.

                  Thanks to all of you.



                    How to save a life...

                    So sorry to hear about your grand daughter Kali! She will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers.


                      How to save a life...

                      Thanks, I can't seem to get a grip today, and that sounds so selfish.


                        How to save a life...

                        I am so sorry to hear that about your granddaughter Kali. Really makes me feel like a selfish dope, with my petty worries. I guess I can see why you posted on this thread (by the title) but maybe you should start a new thread on this. You will get much more attention and a lot more people praying for you and Hannah Rose.
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                          How to save a life...

                          Don't beat yourself up either Kali. Children are precious and when they are ill it leaves us feeling lost and helpless. Please be kind to yourself too. You are not being selfish. I wouldn't even know what I would do any of my kids had a serious illness. Being a mother I empathize big time. Lots of hugs to you - and Hannah Rose.


                            How to save a life...

                            Thanks Beatle,

                            I'm just not too good at starting threads. I don't know what my problem is..

                            Last night I drank to much (what good does that do anyone) and with people trying so hard to stay sober, I feel like a fraud.


                              How to save a life...

                              You are not a fraud. We are all friends here and drinking or not drinking is not the issue at the moment. You are worried about your granddaughter. I posted on another thread, please do not beat yourself up Kali. I honestly would drink if I had news like that about my children. We are only human you know. Please be kind to yourself.


                                How to save a life...

                                Oh Kali, My prayers are with Hannah Rose .....

                                BB xx

