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Job Inteview - overwhelmed

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    Job Inteview - overwhelmed


    I am a very shy person and due to my profession, I have needed to give presentations to large groups of people at conferences - most of whom are far my seniors in terms of their professional attainments. When I have given those presentations, my voice is cracky (I think), my hands sweet (but no one can see that), and I swear that I am making NO sense whatsover. When I am done, it is a blur to me.

    Yet, somehow - folks seem to think I am an articulate poised speaker. To this day, I am not sure I remember ANY of what I said on those occasions.

    Please do not assume that the interview went poorly. You may have done quite well - but your anxiety is not letting you see that right now. Even if it turns out that this company is not a match - use this as a learning experience. You WILL get other opportunities - you are a great programmer and you will find a way to communicate that.

    Big hugs, put that beer down (xoxoxoxox)
    Love ya' Marcie,



      Job Inteview - overwhelmed

      Marcie, I don't want to sound cliche' but I really do believe that everything happens for a reason. Whether you get the job or not, everything happens for a reason. Like they say, "If one door closes, look for a window"... Don


        Job Inteview - overwhelmed

        yeh- not that I am one to speak, having tried to get a new job for years. But do try to see it as a learning experience. Maybe you would have hated that job, like I do mine. And let me tell you, I was THRILLED when I got the job-- thought it was the best thing in the world, oh the PERFECT job, I-- yes I-- got it! Now many years later, it has literally made me ill. So, you just never know. So, don't look back-- Upwards and onwards (I should take my own advice!).

        And yeh, put down the beer if you haven't already.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Job Inteview - overwhelmed

          Hey! Gab is so right -- not the right job. And Pansy -- that is me also. People never know how nervous I am.

          Marcie, my experieince is it is so hard to start interviewing again. When jon hunting I always blow my first 1 or interviews. It just takes practice. I am serious. I know this.

          If it is time for a new job for you just keep looking. The two of you will meet. In the meantime take interviews even if you don't want that particular job -- just to practice. Believe me it will work -- you have tons of skills to sell.

