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Job Inteview - overwhelmed

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    Job Inteview - overwhelmed

    Hey Marcie -

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    Believe in yourself.

    Love, Finding x :h
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      Job Inteview - overwhelmed

      Take luckys' advice . Excellent. I am in the same field so maybe I can help with the technology concepts. When is your interview?

      But if we don' hook up...this is also important:.

      Make a list of YOUR questions. Research their website. Do not be afraid to ask tech questions.

      BUT more important..ask your questions. Whenever there is a lull or you cannot think of what to say...look at your list of questions and ask one!!!
      How many developers are on your team? What are your current projects? What is your development platform?? etc? What kind of qualifications are you looking for?

      ALSO..put a mirror by your telephone!!. Get dressed up. Look in the mirror and SMILE into the mirror while you are doing the interview. Keep your chin UP! As though you are there & know you can do the job!!

      Anticipate their questions and have answers. Common:
      Why have you been out of work (altho they will not say it that way)? Why diod you leave your last job? Why do youwant to work here?
      Answer: Oh I just wanted to take a break & tend to my family & I was lucky enough to do so. But now I am bored...and dying to jump back in.

      Write out what you have done on other jobs like lucky said using the STAR method. What, how, how YOU did it , results, etc. Look at the notes as you need to. Tell a story for each accomplishment.

      Most important -- can you do this job? If so..tell them just that...And then like lucky said.. ask for the job!!

      "This sounds great. I would love this job? When are you going to decide? Is there anything else you need to know about me?? Be aggressive.

      This is what I do. C


        Job Inteview - overwhelmed

        Did you have the interview today? If so, how did it go?


          Job Inteview - overwhelmed

          AFM - Interview is in 1 hour. I'm getting a bit nervous now. Thank goodness it is on the phone or I'd be sweating buckets!


            Job Inteview - overwhelmed

            You will do fine. Phone interviews can be a good thing. Take deep breathes, remain confident, smile while speaking and knock them dead!

            Do you have any tea around? Maybe have a cup of tea to soothe your nerves?


              Job Inteview - overwhelmed

              My fingers and toes are crossed and I'll be honest with ya, it's beginning to get a bit uncomfortable..... I'm sure everything went without a hitch !! Let us know !!!!!!! Yahoo to you !! You have worked sooo very hard for this !!! Hugs, and I'd like to be so bold as to be the first person to congratulate you !!

              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                Job Inteview - overwhelmed


                You still on the phone??????
                Let us know how it went ASAP!
                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                  Job Inteview - overwhelmed

                  Just got done and it went shitty!

                  I couldn't say what I wanted to say and I'm sure I won't hear back from them



                    Job Inteview - overwhelmed

                    I always walk out of interviews kind of self-doubting what I had said to them. It is normal. You never know. How did they close it? When did they say they would let you know?


                      Job Inteview - overwhelmed

                      they just said they would be in contact with Lisa who is the recruiter.


                        Job Inteview - overwhelmed

                        Marcie, Can you get your thoughts together, write them down, rehearse a little and call them back to check? Keep your name in their mind, let them know you are not just sitting around waitng for a call. Just a thought.. Don


                          Job Inteview - overwhelmed

                          I don't have a phone number, they called me. I just emailed the recruiter to see if she had email addy's for the two who interviewed with me so I can send them a thank you.


                            Job Inteview - overwhelmed

                            Marcie, if it is meant to be then it will happen, but if not it is for a reason ...........


                              Job Inteview - overwhelmed

                              Why do u think it went shitty, Marc?


                                Job Inteview - overwhelmed

                                Marcie - hang in there. Aw - really thinking of you. Whirling thoughts understandable - 'open a lid on the top of your head' and let them go.... as BB says, you've done all you can now, what wil be will be (although a thanks to them is something I'd go for too but if there's no number maybe that's not meant)

                                Get stuck into something to take your mind off it for now? Is it the time of day you can do some window-retail-therapy or something? I hope you hear soon and I eally hope it's positive. Perhaps they're just the silent type - can be a good sign!!!

                                Um, go on, have a chocolate!

                                Finding xx :l
                                :heart: c: :heart:
                                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

