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small smile.....

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    small smile.....

    Good Morning all......I did not have a drink yesterday......a tiny victory I know but I feel good about it this morning! In my predictable way I find myself thinking that I ought to be rewarded for this good having a glass tonight LOL:H It was the thought of being able to come here and SAY that I'd managed that one day goal that really helped me achieve it....

    SO.......I am planning that today is AF too.
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

    small smile.....

    Well done!!! you've done good, now you can do it againg today keep on setting those goals...


      small smile.....

      Well Done, if you don't have one tonight you will feel even better in the morning!!!

      Love & Hugs, BB xx


        small smile.....

        When I gave up smoking many years ago, after the first day I said to my (now ex) husband "since I've done so well, I should be rewarded and have a smoke"... in a blinding flash of brilliance (the only one he ever had) he said that it was not a reward, but a punishment, as I would have to start back on day one every time I gave in and had another one.

        If you "reward" yourself with the very thing that is killing you, it is indeed punishment.

        You are doing so well!!! keep it up and continue rewarding yourself by NOT drinking!!
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          small smile.....

          Great. How do you feel?

          Now--Think about visiting here tomorrow and saying you did it again! Hope to see you do just that.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            small smile.....

            slightlysuze, Way to go, keep it up and a whole new world will open up.

            Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


              small smile.....

              keep up the good work suze.

              I agree with what Flip said, don't think of it as a reward by having a glass tonight, but a punishment.


                small smile.....

                Delighted for you suze.

                The best way to reward yourself is to watch the money you save by not buying drink mount up, then go out and treat yourself to something you consider a luxury........a real treat.

                Now, let`s see you notch up this Day 2!!!

                Starlight Impress x


                  small smile.....

                  Suze, That is sooo amazing !!! Give yourself a good ol' pat on the back and feel really proud of yourself !!! You are going to be that much happier and healthier tomorrow morning !!! Well Done!!!!! Celebrate by going out for a nice dinner or a beautiful drive.... You deserve it !

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                    small smile.....


                    The first few days are hard. My hubby and I are on AF day 3 and Joe asked if I minded if he had some beer. I said I didn't want some and I would mind if he did, but couldn't stop him. So he didn't. He did the same thing the last time we had a long stretch for us, of AF on day 2.

                    This morning he thanked me. Way to go doing it all by yourself! :goodjob:


                      small smile.....

                      Good Job!! As they say..One day at a time. Just think about today...just today...Don


                        small smile.....

                        Good one Suze! :goodjob:

                        Just think about all those people waking up tomorrow with thumping heads, queasy or just with that ugh, heavy, metallic, slow-thinking feeling..................... Is that alcohol stuff really worth that?!?! When I think about a drink and then that, there's no contest!! (By the way, no judgement from me of anyone who will wake up thus - the feeling will do that!! Just start again and good luck! I know it could still be me one day........aaagh!)

                        Here's to a fresh-feeling wake-up for you!!! :H

                        Love Feet x :h
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          small smile.....

                          I'm helping BB so bump


                            small smile.....

                            I could feel the smile on your face. You deserve to be proud.

                            * * I love Determinator * *


                              small smile.....

                              Flip;182971 wrote: When I gave up smoking many years ago, after the first day I said to my (now ex) husband "since I've done so well, I should be rewarded and have a smoke"... in a blinding flash of brilliance (the only one he ever had) he said that it was not a reward, but a punishment, as I would have to start back on day one every time I gave in and had another one.

                              If you "reward" yourself with the very thing that is killing you, it is indeed punishment.

                              You are doing so well!!! keep it up and continue rewarding yourself by NOT drinking!!
                              That was SOOOOO helpful, Flip...thanks! I really have got to sort out my weird ideas of 'rewards' or 'comfort'.......a hangover is neither of those LOL:H

                              Thanks everyone else, too, for your encouragement, and..................

                              I DID IT!!!! Yes, I got through day 2 AF! I had a really hard afternoon concerning work and then rang home to say I would stop off at the supermarket for some bits and pieces. My husband said he would mix a Pimms for me.....I rang back 2 seconds later and said no Pimms, thanks, just a cup of tea. Amazing!!!

                              I've got as far as day 3 before so I am hoping today will go ok too.....then I can take a deep breath for day 4......I've seen that lots of you say that 3 and 4 can be really tough so I'll be trawling the threads for inspiration!

                              Hope everyone has a good Thursday


                              PS I still seem to be sounding like goody-two-shoes in these posts.....for goodness sake! I must make an effort to post when I'm really grumpy :H
                              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

