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small smile.....

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    small smile.....

    Finding My Feet;183164 wrote: Good one Suze!

    Just think about all those people waking up tomorrow with thumping heads, queasy or just with that ugh, heavy, metallic, slow-thinking feeling..................... Is that alcohol stuff really worth that?!?! When I think about a drink and then that, there's no contest!! (By the way, no judgement from me of anyone who will wake up thus - the feeling will do that!! Just start again and good luck! I know it could still be me one day........aaagh!)

    Here's to a fresh-feeling wake-up for you!!! :H

    Love Feet x :h
    That's a very good thought, Feet.......I am hoping for that 'feeling all sparkly' start to the day....I have to be honest and say that the past two mornings I have felt almost as cr*p as I do after a night of alcohol.....but I expect that's quite usual?????
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


      small smile.....

      Suze, Good Job on day 2! Now stay focused on today. Just say "my sole purpose in life today is to not drink." Get through today, that's it, just today. Be ready to confront The Beast. Don't wait for him., Look for him, be aggressive, be ready to slap him down! If you are having a tough time get on here and post. You don't want to go back to day 1. You can do it... Don


        small smile.....

        Thanks Don...this is the tricky time.....home from a really boring meeting, the sun is shining, my old man is on his way home so we could sit in the garden before dinner.....(and the glass of wine completes the picture!) I am making a cup of tea, with gritted teeth lol, and hanging on.....

        Coming here helps.....thanks everyone
        Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


          small smile.....

          Suze - Well done you! :goodjob:

          You will feel better. Heaps of trust needed in the early days; it's like watching kids grow - you don't realise how much until something doesn't fit. Every day I feel better - with hindsight!!! I mean, we all get ups and downs and headaches from thundery weather and hormones etc etc but, in general, 3 months on Sunday (wow! Is it really!!??!!) and I feel human, fit and well again ....and have done for a month or so, it's OK!!! Still think about it but the thought of that heavy ugh-y-ness, let alone going through early days again.....hmmmm! (Still daft and no idea about emotional maturity but working on that!!! That wasn't booze!)

          Have you written down everything you felt, did, all that cr*p at the end of your drinking and how you're feeling now? I know it's recent - but you've gone through a gate inot another field now and I can recommend it - not easy and not to be dwelt on or used as a stick to beat yourself up with but when The Beast beckons - read it!!! I read mine lots early on and kept adding to it too, and it really took me back there and I know it is there if I really need a put off - the memory is very good at forgetting nasties but I'm glad to be reminded and thoroughly
          put off if................!!!!! :yuk: !!!!!!!!!! (Meant to be a 'yukky face' nothing worse but if it helps....!)

          Trust that it can only be that you are getting better - your body can grow and live now instead of spending all it's time mending itself - so, it follows, you will feel the benefits soon. JUST KEEP GOING!!!!!!!!!

          Love and strength
          Finding xx :l
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

