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    Hey Everyone

    Found this forum and it looks like the right place to go in regards to vivitrol, alcohol abuse etc....

    i've been on the VIV for like 6 months now. it's wierd, the first 5 days after the shot, i have like 3 beers and then i feel like i have to throw up the rest. but after like 2 weeks on the stuff, i'm able to take down more beers with ease. anyone else notice this? otherwise it's a great drug. i dont crave.....(you might be saying hypocrite) but the only reason i'm slamming coronas now is cause my wife is gone for a couple days so i can drink without getting nagged. lol. if i was at a bar right now with my wife, i would not crave any of the alcohol displayed.

    P.S. i'm not paulie, he's just my fav. player of all time.

    Hey Everyone

    Hey there Kone, I welcome you with open arms and hope that you enjoy your time here as much as me... These compassionate folks are very open minded and will try to help you by answering any question you may have... We are all where you may be right now or where you may be headed tomorrow.... It is sooo great to not be judged in any way shape or form... Enjoy reading all the threads and take care,

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      Hey Everyone

      Niblet;183162 wrote: Hey there Kone, I welcome you with open arms and hope that you enjoy your time here as much as me... These compassionate folks are very open minded and will try to help you by answering any question you may have... We are all where you may be right now or where you may be headed tomorrow.... It is sooo great to not be judged in any way shape or form... Enjoy reading all the threads and take care,
      NIBLET! my wife and I call our dogs niblets. thanks for welcome. yea, i will probably ge tblasted tonight, but it's far more difficult to take them down cause my most recent shot was last thursday.


        Hey Everyone

        Hey buddy, mind if I ask, if you find it hard to get them down then why drink them atall ? Sorry for sounding rude or dumb but I would think that you might take that shot and use it to your advantage to really cut down to a moderate amount of alcohol or maybe even quit for a week or two... Myself I took a break from drinking and it was the smartest/toughest thing I ever did.. honestly... now I just have a few on Wed, Fri, Sat... Seems to work for me.. Mind me saying though,,, Is there a wee small part of you that almost feels like the child and your wife the parent so you drink now? Sorry if I offend buddy.. Not my intent atall you know that, PS, Niblet is my miniature goats name.

        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


          Hey Everyone

          I'm helping BB so bump


            Hey Everyone

            Yep bumpin tooo...

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

