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My Consulting Job is OVAH

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    My Consulting Job is OVAH

    I feel you HC,
    I'm in the same place as you got laid off Mon. But after a slight slip I decided not let it stop me in my progress in this. Just hope the state of the economy dosen't hold me up too long.
    day 2 AF and feeling good !! Didn't think that possible on Mon. wouldn't be that way without all the support I get here.

    Thanks to all of you!!!!!!!!


      My Consulting Job is OVAH


      I am soo sorry hon! Man, what a break. What would u LIKE to do? Name ur dream job. How can u get there from where u r now? And no B*tch avatars! We have enuf of that stuff around! I'll be on chat later if you'd like to well, chat. :l


        My Consulting Job is OVAH

        Sorry happy.

        Big :l . Funny how most of the time we all moan about having to go to work. But boy it hurts when it's gone.

        Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


          My Consulting Job is OVAH

          Happy that sucks! Consulting is a 'dog-eat-dog' business. Just remember you are GOOD at what you do. If anything you will get a great reference/letter of reference to add to your CV.

          To me you sound so spunky and energetic. You will be out there again in no time.


            My Consulting Job is OVAH

            Sorry about the job happy, but as my wee mum says.........."As one door closes, another one opens", chin up and tell yourself your next job is gonna come along soon and be the best one you ever had.

            Big hug for you,

            Starlight Impress x


              My Consulting Job is OVAH

              Thanks to all of you! Just applied for a marketing job with The New York Times. They sound pretty stable to me!
              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                My Consulting Job is OVAH

                Cool Camps!! Cannot wait to hear - I am sure you will get an interview!



                  My Consulting Job is OVAH

                  Happy, stuff will work out for ya. I just know it.
                  Gabby :flower:


                    My Consulting Job is OVAH

                    Hi Camper, Geez consulting work is great but being out of work does really suck. My other half gets really edgy when he does not have any jobs lined up, everyone thinks he should just enjoy being between jobs but he cannot stand it either makes him crabby.

                    Hope the New York Time jobs goes well,


                      My Consulting Job is OVAH

                      I'm reallly sorry to hear about your job Happy... I'm always an optimist though and will say" where one door closes another much better door is waiting just for you to open" Sending you a hug and positive vibes on your future job,

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        My Consulting Job is OVAH

                        Camper..I hope the NYTimes job works out.
                        We read it online everyday.
                        I love you.
                        "Be still and know that I am God"

                        Psalm 46:10

