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    LOVE IT !!!

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~



      How great to be reminded that going AF is not about deprivation, but possibility...

      I've been on these boards less than 24 hours, but I tell you, you guys are really getting to me - in a good way ... So much inspiration ...



        LOL the classic Yoda quote!

        I did something similar with one of my kids recently when I asked him to do something and he said - "I'll Try"!

        I held a coin in my hand and told him to try to take it.

        When he reached out and took it - I said
        "No - I said TRY to take it - you took it - now this time - Just try to take it!!
        After a couple of moments he realised.

        There aint no such thing as TRY! If you actually DO attempt to try - you are totally paralysed

        You either do something - or you dont!

        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"




          You've picked up on something really important. I spent a long time before getting sober and then when I was first sober (about 3 months) feeling really bloody sorry for myself as couldn't drink any more. I felt I was being PUNISHED and deprived from living the same life as everybody else. Full of "why can't I jsut have one drink", why do I have a problem with drinking" attitude.

          Then suddenly, things got a whole lot better and it was because I stopped TRYING to be sober and became sober - in my head. I became someone who doesn't drink, who wasn't missing out on anything - in fact I was living a much more exciting and healthy life than most people I know!

          WOW! what an amazing thing! I am no longer tied to that demon drink! I can do anything I want, I can be anything! No more lying on the couch drinking until I pass out everynight and not living.

          I love being sober! Don't try, do!!!!!!!!!!!
          It always seems impossible until it's done....



            Yup Flip, Queen of the Southern Hemisphere ...

            It seems like we went through a very similar progression! At first, I was really struggling - AF was something I HAD to do - and the whole time, all the while feeling so much better, I was fighting it. Even though I went mods, and actually did okay (about 8 mos of AF days in 14 mos- far better than I had been doing), I realized that I was still fighting AF and felt deprived. My mods sessions were binges most of the time.

            For some reason, this summer (the first mostly sober in at least a decade), some cognitive switch went off. I am not deprived, I was up at 7 am cleaning out my garage today. My bills are paid and my email answered. By noon today, I will have finished chores that used to take me all day (or at least a hungover weekend)! My office area redo is taking shape and I am looking forward to a very productive fall - with lots of goals explicitly stated! The trash company is hating me, but my home is now so uncluttered - and my trash bags don't CLINK, CLINK, CLINK. It is so great!

            Could I have flipped that cognitive switch faster? I am not sure, but I am very glad that it has happened. My belief is that the amount of time I have spent AF this summer has really contributed to this change - for me 1 month of AF time was not enough. Only after approaching my second 30 days is my attitude changing, and I am not fighting this time - but embracing it. Perhaps I am a slow learner.

            Have a great day to all. For those who are just starting, just keep getting back on!




     cute..the classic "when you can take the pebble from my hand, grasshopper"
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)



                LUVUALL;183450 wrote: Every time I read a post where someone says "I will try, I might, I think I can" KNOW, they won't make it! You know how I know...because I said it a MILLION TIMES. I have cravings so bad some days and the ONLY reason I dont cave in is because I say to myself and OUTLOUD.."I WON'T DRINK" I am not going to drink today....I am not giving in to this anymore. I am not going to let this beast get me anymore. I am going to win, I have to win. I can't disappointment myself, my children, or my Mom anymore. I have to do this. The past couple of days I have had TERRIBLE cravings...not sure why, but it has been REAL bad, but I refuse to give in to it. Get pissed!!! Get pissed at the alcohol not at yourself. Get mad at what you become when you drink it. AND love who you are sobber because we are all good people and we deserve to change and show our loved ones that we are good people. It has been so long for some of them, they may have forgotten. Get pissed and show them who you are sobber!
                I couldn't agree more - very well said Luv!



                  Great posts everyone! It really is all about attitude... "You're either driving or you're riding".. Don



                    "Trying is only emphasising what we know already"

                    or what we do...which didn't work eh guys?!

                    So, yup, trying = - - - - (nothing).

                    Doing's a bit dodgy too but I like 'allowing' in -

                    "If you ask me to lift this chair and I give my consent, lifting the chair is all I can do..."

                    I give my consent to sobriety. Yea!

                    Love to all
                    Finding x
                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



                      I keep coming back to this one and reading.
                      I just think it's so important for all of us to remember how we look at life and other people
                      I have a son who has Autism and this poem has been with me since day 1.
                      THE STARFISH POEM

                      Once upon a time there was a wise man

                      who used to go to the ocean

                      to do his writing.

                      He had a habit of walking

                      on the beach

                      before he began his work.

                      One day he was walking along

                      the shore.

                      As he looked down the beach,

                      he saw a human

                      figure moving like a dancer.

                      He smiled to himself to think

                      of someone who would

                      dance to the day.

                      So he began to walk faster

                      to catch up.

                      As he got closer, he saw

                      that it was a young man

                      and the young man wasn't dancing,

                      but instead he was reaching

                      down to the shore,

                      picking up something

                      and very gently throwing it

                      into the ocean.

                      As he got closer he called out,

                      "Good morning! What are you doing?"

                      The young man paused,

                      looked up and replied,

                      "Throwing starfish in the ocean."

                      "I guess I should have asked,

                      why are you throwing starfish in the ocean?"

                      "The sun is up and the tide is going out.

                      And if I don't throw them in they'll die."

                      "But, young man, don't you realize that

                      there are miles and miles of beach

                      and starfish all along it.

                      You can't possibly make a difference!"

                      The young man listened politely.

                      Then bent down, picked up another starfish

                      and threw it into the sea,

                      past the breaking waves and said-

                      "It made a difference for that one."

                      This is the attitude I strive for everyday.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                        you truly are the oracle!
                        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson



                          Beaches I loved your story it is soo true, that we can all make in difference no matter how small.:h

                          D- I love your quote too and totally agree, i just wish it weren't from a magician! :h

                          Love to both of you and to the rest.
                          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL



                            Determinator;184449 wrote: cute..the classic "when you can take the pebble from my hand, grasshopper"
                            Hey Det,

                            NO - I wouldn't try THAT one!
                            My son does Tae Kwon Do and his speed is phenomenal!

                            The damned pebble would be gone before I had even THOUGHT about closing my hand LOL!

                            But I know what you mean!


                            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"

