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Exercise Thread 23 August - woo hoo!

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    Exercise Thread 23 August - woo hoo!

    Hi everyone,

    And welcome to Rvm and trixietrack... Congratulations on 10 days AF Rvm, it must be really making a difference.

    Thanks for your ongoing positive attitude Niblet! And your kind words yesterday (shucks, i am embarrassed now!). I have to say, if this thread makes a difference in somebodies life or in lots of people's lives, it's great .

    Hearing people's experiences is beneficial to us. It is okay to get up and exercise, sure, but knowing there are rewards at the end of it (better thinking, a clearer head, feelings of wellbeing and not to mention the detoxifying effects) really makes it worthwhile.

    Today i am thinking of taking the day off work. My body is hammered because i work on my feet all day. It's been a while since i've had a 'personal day' and i want to check out the gym.

    So, if i take the day off, i am planning on a 50 min walk... Yay (even though body is sore, who cares)!

    I am feeling a bit more positive than my post drinking session Sunday night and am looking foward to having a clear head because i have to make some decisions today.

    Anyhow, i'll speak to you all soon and will check back in later to say i have done my 50 mins.

    Keep up the good work,


    Edit: not taking day off (money vs. walk, money wins out in this case), so all exercise your hearts out so i can be jealous when i come home from work .
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    Exercise Thread 23 August - woo hoo!

    Hello Hello !!! Today I was sooo doggy but was more energized after my eliptical and bike ride, (30 minutes, but a really tough 30 it was !) Later tonight after bringin in my 2 horses and my 2 miniature goat (Kiwi my grey goat and Niblet as my avatar) I'll take some time to do my weights on the bowflex.. Being that I'm now 43 I want to keep all my muscle tone ... It's more work now than when I was 20 and didn't have kids. Ha !! ha !! Change, enjoy your day off, we all need those... Your muscles will thank you too.. like yesterday I didn't do weights, I just listen to my body and adapt my workout to what I feel is right... I love doing this and love to share this with others.... See ya tomorrow.... I may be taking a shorter workout tomorrow.. shall see.. I will be going into the United States to do some shopping. We live close to a border town. Take Care, Hugs all

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      Exercise Thread 23 August - woo hoo!

      I feel just like an a** well a long eared horse !!!

      :welcome: I forgot to welcome you Trixie Track !!!...

      Welcome, You are doing sooo awesome and keep up the good work !!:goodjob:

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


        Exercise Thread 23 August - woo hoo!

        Niblet;184019 wrote: :welcome: I forgot to welcome you Trixie Track !!!...

        Welcome, You are doing sooo awesome and keep up the good work !!:goodjob:
        aww thank you
        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


          Exercise Thread 23 August - woo hoo!

          Swimming today!! very excited as I have a new cap and it's red.
          taking supplements and feeling clear.
          I should actually be a stressed out mess, My office is moving and I have been in charge of design management of construction purchasing materials and making sure the network is running smooth.
          Mind you all I am still drinking my wine but a lot less . as long as I am not a mess in the morning, I feel that I have done right.
          peace and love to all
          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


            Exercise Thread 23 August - woo hoo!

            Hi all,
            I did half an hour in the gym then went to meditation class, so I've exercised body and soul. Haha. I bought some AF beer on the way home and then discovered it has as many calories as normal beer! I guess I'll just have to give up everything. Bah.
            My goal is to do more than half an hour in the gym. I need to work out a proper routine.
            Good job everyone.
            Niblet: I thought your avatar was a sheep - I've lived in the city too long!
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              Exercise Thread 23 August - woo hoo!

              Poo to that Marshy I say !!! Hon if you really "feel" like having one or maybe 2 AF beers damn enjoy I say !! Tee Hee !!! lil' Niblet now is still as small as a regular chair and is full grown.. He calls me " MAA!!" and I love him to bits... going to do my weights now. Thought about making some popcorn and lazing on the couch but ... I'll do this first then we'll see... Night night guys, hugs, you guys all Rock !!!

              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

