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    (((Marcie))) You know how much I like you hon. We've had some great talks and I don't give a fig if you are drunk or not as for being my friend. But, I am presently AF day 4 and I wish you to join me. Not because I won't be your friend either way but because I want you too to experience the clarity, better outlook and better health that goes with it. You can e-mail me any time hon. Your friend :l



      I'm worried about ya. Ya talkin about this is a good start but its not enough. What could be a way you could throw yourself into AF and stick to it? Can your system tolerate any of these newer meds? Whats hubby sayin?

      Just really care about ya sweetie. Hope I'm not pissin you off.

      Gabby :flower:



        posted a few other things but still thinkin about you.

        Gotta decide ya want it and fight hard for it. Then you'll have it.
        Com'on Marc.....get yo boxin gloves on...and tie them up tight!
        Gabby :flower:



          We are all here for you Marcie. Get motivated to jump back into the program full force. Start the program from the beginning. Read the book, get all the supps, use the kudzu & l-glut, listen to the cd's ( MAKE the time), get pumped up to Beat The Beast. You have to make this your goal. Everything else comes second in the early days. We will be here to help and encourage... Don



            I'm here, your here for the same problem ! We fight on ! One day we will wake up and decide that this will be the day of enphany ! IAD
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss



              Thanks everyone, I know I need to get a plan in place. Right now I'm focused on getting through my job interview in an hour.



                Good luck to you! You will be fantastic I am sure!! Please let us know how it went.



                  Just wanted to let you know I am here for you too-don't be so hard on yourselft we are all human!



                    Just thinkin about ya Marcie. Hope today is good.
                    Gabby :flower:



                      Thanks gabby and wanttostop. Today is going well. I am going to get my supps together this weekend, figure out what I need to pick up and what I have still from the first time. I just got my kudzu in the mail yesterday. I'm going to start taking Chantix again tonight and I've been listening to the cd's the past couple nights. I plan on getting an exercise plan together and try to start that over the weekend come Monday it is AF for me.

                      I was really upset about the interview last night, but after thinking about it today, what's done is done. All I can do is read and work on my skills so I will be so much more prepared the next time something good comes along. I'm even going to talk to the recruiter and tell her that I'm working on my skills and I will be doing lots of studying at home and maybe they will consider me in 6 months when I have much more experience under my belt. They did mention they plan on hiring quite a bit in the near future.

                      It doesn't do me any good to lay around drinking, that isn't going to help me further my career. So there, that's my plan and I have it in writing!




                        Marcie, you can do this, and you know we're all here pulling for you! I understand how you feel like you need to tell everyone, I do too, if we can't be honest here, then I don't know where we can! We all share the same struggles and pitfalls, and we all understand! I hope you get the job you'd like, and your plan of action on all fronts, sounds very positive! Hang in there, I'll be thinking of you!
                        "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"




                          I remember someone (ok you) e-mailing me to just stop. Once I stood in your shoes I would tell others the same as you told me. Just stop. Sometimes I guess we need to learn the lesson again. It can sneak back into our lives. And then we want to stop, but can't just we gave the advice to do.

                          I am happy that when I drink I don't do anything stupid and don't overdrink anymore (I do not miss hangovers, guilt, remorse etc.). But I just read an article about the whites of your eyes. I started to look at mine and wasn't so happy with what I saw. Then I started to look at eveyone's around me and realized theirs aren't that white either. It just got me thinking about the state of health everyone walks around with and thinks is healthy. Sometimes feeling like semi-crap seems normal, almost good.

                          I read where someone said the "biggest high was getting healthy"...this was Angelie Jolie. I am not a big fan of hers...yet I really am amazed when I look at her 5 years ago to today. It just sinks in. And yes, we can all change not matter what box the world wants to put us in.

                          So my goal is to get the freakin' whites of my eyes white. I think it is a testament of true health. I have a plan to get in touch with someone who can help me do just that.

                          The hardest part of AF is thinking "forever". I had to reject that when I left AA in order to get to where I am now.

                          And I do know that using supplements does give me the exact same relaxation as alcohol with no negative side effects. I just wish I had that info when I was abs, I may have just stayed that way. But AA was so much about praying...and when I signed on...I signed on. But it didn't last. I am looking for something that will last.

                          I do know now that I used to just want a drink so bad at 2p I would be almost out of my mind. Now with supplements I don't ever crave a drink. And I don't even crave a smoke when I am taking them on a schedule.

                          I hope the best for you. I guess my whole point is that even though I got to the point I dreamed of with drinking...I realized I still wasn't healthy...and being healthy, calm and alert has to be the biggest high of all...if that makes sense.




                            Karma, I wanted to respond via PM,but I don't have that option with you. You must have Pm's turned off ?

