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had a pretty yucky relapse

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    had a pretty yucky relapse

    I have been doing really great since I joined. I was doing mods. My doc had me on the topa for a long time.( he didn't understand the program, language barrier)
    I only was at 200 mg. And my body couln't tolerate it. I have dosed down to about 50 mg a day. Yesterday adn 2 days ago I had a LOT to drink! Right back the way it used to be.
    I have been at 50mg for a while so I don't think that is it, and I started the program great but did not follow it to a T. Anyone else have this happen? And is it possble to start again or does this mean I just can never drink?
    One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.

    had a pretty yucky relapse


    Hon, everybody is different. And lapses, especially at the first are VERY common. Don't beat yourself up about it and don't predict the future from it. Decide to go AF for today and see how u feel. I'm AF day 4 and feeling pretty darn good. I'm not thinking down the road if I will ever drink again, I am thinking I don't want to drink today.

    :goodjob: on coming back here. And good posting!


      had a pretty yucky relapse

      Thanks. Gonna go AF for today and gonna go get my twins from daycare and spend the day with them. Both of those along with your encouragement I'll have a pretty nice day.!
      One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.


        had a pretty yucky relapse

        RJ, as well as many veterans here, recommend 30 days AF to start, to totally detox and then you can take it from there. It's easier to think that way, so you don't have to make a decision right away about whether you are shooting for mods or abs.

        The recent Time magazine article on addiction says it takes 90 days abstinence for your brain to re-wire itself to pre-drinking state. I'd say that's at least a good goal.

        Most importantly, as the others here stress, don't dwell on the relapse. Remember you have improved, and you can do it again.

        Don't really like much about AA, but one day at a time is a pretty good way to keep from getting overwhelmed, I think.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          had a pretty yucky relapse

          I'm back also from a relapse. I also have twins. Mine are 6 now and I have a 9 yr. old too. Do you have help at home with them? I know it sure helped me when they were younger. Anyway, welcome back, I am now af 4 days and feeling better just this morning. I am going to try to be AF for the 30 days and see how I feel after that.
          Good Luck and keep posting.
          Here we go again.

          AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


            had a pretty yucky relapse

            Hello Twins, I agree with Beatle in that taking a long AF period really works.. For myself I was AF for approx 73 days and now I moderate... My tolerence is different and I have a total different "relationship" with alcohol... The first initial 4 days are the toughest, then it starts to get gradually easier as you develope new life habits etc... In my lil' ol' humble opinion it is sooo worth every craving in the world to finially have that damn monkey off my back !! I truely would love to personally invite and welcome you to the "30 AF thread" in general discussion that "Luvuall" has begun back in April this year... I'll have the welcome mat layed out just for you... I hope that you will consider and I'll alarm the media !! Twin , " YOU ARE WORTH THIS " It will be OK, Hugs,

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


              had a pretty yucky relapse

              Hi Twin, I'm with most people in thinking initially you have to go AF to make this work. If you could moderate then there wouldn't be a problem, right? I finally realized I could not moderate after many attempts, it's just too much work. The first few days AF suck but after you get through it there is such a change in the way you think and feel. I'm on day 13 and take the supps, kudzu, l-glut, listen to the cd's, exercise and feel better than I have in years. I never did the topa or any other drugs. You just have to make a committment and go at it full force. We will be here to help when things get tense. Keep reading and posting. You can do it... Don


                had a pretty yucky relapse

                Hi Twins - it's going to be OK. You're in the hands of lovely folk here!

                Beatle - that's really interesting coz I would now agree with The TImes! 88 days and I really, really feel better.... (Emotions not mature (YET!) but I don't think that's the booze's fault!!) Each day I felt better but hindsight - yes.... great. So KEEP GOING ALL!!!

                I came with a view to mod-ing but quite frankly I'm scared of the stuff now!!!! Each time I remember how I felt 3 months ago I just don't want it. I want to be able to have it - which of course I can if I choose; my call - but each time I think will it enhance this situation or not really? The latter tends to win now! My triggers are emotional pain.....then I hang on by fngernails but it passes with the fantastic help of all you guys. (I don't mean to be flippant at all - I know how near I felt last week when David and I parted!!!!...... )

                Just to say, I haven't had lager for years (leaves foul taste in my mouth since peri-menopause) but the talk of AF beer here - I bought some. Remembered it tonight when I wanted to try a TV recipe of lamb cooked in lager (Spanish and good!!) and tried half of the remainder - ugh!!!! Yup, tasted 'real' (to me!!) but I really didn't like it and threw it away!!! So, there you are! And I didn't miss the alcohol bit - amazing!

                I hope you could glean something of use from my ramble Twins - sorry, gabbling all over your post. Thinking of you very much - AF until clear and then see? Not looking too far ahead really hleped me. I don't know if I'll ever mod - I want to be TOTALLY (well, as far as can be!!)settled before I even try. I never, ever
                want to drink again to self-medicate as in 'needing a drink'!!!! If there's a 'need' around it's a NO!

                Best wishes to you and really, really good luck.
                Finfing xx :h :h
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

