My daughter Kerrie is 10, and has epilepsy.
She was born by emergency c-section and suffered a bleed in her brain at birth, at 3 days old she had her first seizure and we were told that she might not walk, talk, etc. etc . but as most of you are aware she has developed perfectly.
Over the years the seizures worsened many of them needing emergency medication and sometimes an ambulance. They hit their worst last year when she was having 2-3 every week. The consultant we see referred us to a Neurologist, and then a neurosurgoen last january who did an MRI scan and decided that they could operate and remove the scar tissue in her brain that was triggering the seizures (strangely enough at this time I turned to the bottle). They operated last august which was very scary, and she had no seizures for 9 weeks then they started again but only 1 every 3-4 weeks so we were quite happy, however the Neurosurgeon said that he is still hopefull of a total cure and want to operate again.
The appointment for the MRI scan to determine whether or not they can operate is next Friday, and as she had 3 grand mal seizures last night we are hopeful.
Here are some pics so you know what she looks like

2 hours after the op last year

Dressed up for a wedding this year.
Love & Hugs all, BB xx