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Been there done that
Been there done that
I've been gone for awhile now. haven't posted or read posting, heck....been too drunk to care. I've done 30 days of sobriety and it felt so good but then I started drinking again. Logic tells me it so stupid but I went back and I'm drinking as much if not more then I was before. I remember those 30 days...I felt powerful, I felt in control, I felt like I was winning. Now, every morning I get up and feel like crap and say "tonight I'm not gonna drink" but "tonight" comes and I drink again. Tonight I went to happy hour before coming home and ....well, you know the story. I hate this, i hate the control this stupid drink has over me. I often think why me. I know I have something different in my brain then others but really...why me. I don't think i can ever drink socially.AF since 1/1/2011Tags: None
Been there done that
Lean on that strength you had before. Remember how good it felt, how good you felt??? You can do this again...just get started. Get through that first day and you can do this again. You have to do it! YOU CAN DO IT!!! YOU WANT TO DO IT, SO YOU WILL DO IT! Get that first day...get that good feeling back and you will do it again. Are you taking any of the supps? What did you do before to get started and succeed? Do it wishes to you.
Been there done that
Hey Magnum, welcome back. I am pretty much new here (7 AF days), but that change for me came as result of the warm support of the people here. Look ... you had a solid month of sobriety. Wow! That means you can surely do it again. Just hang out with us, we will help and be patient with time. You will find encouragement, good company and good cheer here.Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!
Been there done that
Welcome back Magnum, You had a relapse, it's not the end of the world. You went 30 days so you know deep down inside you can do it, there is no question about it. So how do we get you motivated to grab the bull by the horns and kick that Beast's ass for doing this to you. You have to get pissed. You have to get aggressive. It's not gonna happen unless someone is in charge. That would be you. We can help and can't wait because we can hear your frustration and unhappiness with yourself. Time to take control, my friend. We're all here for you... Don
Been there done that
Magnum, oh how many times I've done that. You are not alone, mate.
Do the supps in a major way. Start now with anything you can get your hands on (LOTS of Bs and Cs) and prepare your body for the change. Supps have made a difference of night and day for me. No bad withdrawal, no feeling lousy for weeks. See separate thread from Starlight Impress (I WANT IT NOW) for lots of good advice on this. It doesn't have to be so hard. (especially if you visit MWO whenever you feel like a drink). Believe me, as a real old timer in this roller coaster game.
You sound good and ready for this...Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Been there done that
So don`t try to drink socially magnum, if you really think it`s impossible for`s impossible for me too........kidded myself and attempted mods.........failed and decided AF was going to be the way for me after 26 days AF now and loving the fact that I am not drinking.
You did 30 days before..........let`s see you do it again!!!
Love and strength to you,
Starlight Impress x
Been there done that
Hi Magnum-
It sucks to be us-doesn't it. But you know what, every day that I complete an alcohol free day I realize I'm special. And you know why? Because turning down a drink is a hell of a battle that I win over-I choose to win over. I take strength from that. It takes a strong person to be AF. I've said it before:sobriety is not for sissies.
Hang in there. Take this as a learning experience. I for one can not just have one. I crave another one way too much. And my addictive personality always finds an excuse to have another one. So my only choice to live a fulfilling life is to not pick up that next drink and choose not to drink.
Magnum-the first few days are the hardest. Make a goal & plan & stick with it. Keep busy, busy, busy. Stay away from the social scene. Remove booze from the house. Take away all temptations. Just remember, you did it once before-you can do it again.:flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic
Been there done that
Glad to 'see you back here with us Magnum.Yes, there is something wrong with us, but that is no excuse for tolerating our drinking behaviors. We just have to be really strong and work really hard to overcome it. But we can - you incuded.
You got through your initiation ceremony - your trial run - and did splendidly. You did 30 days! That was great. Now you know how good it feels to be sober and you leaned that you can't do mods - certainly not at least for a while. You must go AF for at least a month, better forever. You also learned you can do it. So you have already learned a lot.
Now, time to take the next step. Get the supps - at least the kudzu and glutamine for the cravings (very important in my opinion), read RJ's book ASAP and keep reading it over and over. Get the CD's. And never, ever, ever, keep your mouth shut. We love big mouths around here. Post everyday just to say hello or tell us how you are doing. Or yell at us. Tell us you feel like crap. Tell us why you want to stop but can't. Tell us how good you feel. Tell us whatever you want. I think communication is important. You can't feel like you are doing this alone - and you definitely are not alone.
See what a big mouth I have. My fingers are tired, already, from typing all this. Good luck, Magnum.Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.
Been there done that
Magnum, You've already shown us newbies it can be done by going 30 days AF. Congratulations!! If you can do it once you can do it again. For me it feels like one step forward and two steps back, but with the help of this wonderful site I know we can make it - show us the way!! All the best.
Been there done that
I feel your pain! I don't understand why we can't have just 1 drink socially and stop. I can't at least. I can't drink socially either so don't feel alone.
Don't give up on yourself. Breez , Mags, Irish and others had many great ideas. Just don't
give up on your yourself Magnum!!!! I wish you can do this ~ Happier
Been there done that
It's really good that you felt able to come back Magnum. Brave and courageous.
Just that one day at a time...No drink #1 tonight = less sh*t tomorrow morning ...every day from now on.
Keep strong - you can. :l
Finding x:heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."