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Been there done that

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    Been there done that


    Glad to see you back. I agree with many of the comments about moderating. It sounds like a wonderful concept, but I haven't been able to find a way to make it work. Like you my moderating just escalates to way too much drinking again. I'm starting over too. Today is day 1 AF. Remember all of those powerful feelings you had when you were not drinking. Use that to give you the jumpstart. I ordered Topa from River Pharmacy last night and already have the multitude of vitamins the MWO program suggests, so its time to get serious again and take care of my alcohol ravaged brain and body. You can do this. You did it once before! Good luck. Keep us updated.



      Been there done that

      Hi everyone,

      Well, today is day 2 and I'll make it through today (even went to cookout where there was alcohol). So my head is getting clearer not yet clear. Funny story....last time I went AF I had gone to doctors and said I wanted to stop drinking and she laid into pretty hard (results of my bloodwork). She told me I was thinking clearly and of course I told her I was (you know how it goes).. She told me it took 3 - 4 days to get your head clear, of course i thought she was crazy. Now, in day 2 I can't wait to hit day 4 for the clear head.

      My plan at this point is stay AF for 2 weeks. I'm going a fishing trip for the weekend with the guys and know I'm not gonna make it through that. I also have a Nascar race coming up so.....instead of letting myself down I'm gonna be AF all but those days in the next 3 or 4 weeks. After the race, I'm going 30 days AF. Maybe it's not the best plan but I know i can do it and heck, if I drink 4 days in 2 months it'd be my best 2 months in years. Last time I told my wife what I was doing but I think this time I'm going to keep it my little secret.

      Thanks everyone for your kind words. Your words are really keeping me strong right now.
      AF since 1/1/2011


        Been there done that

        Magnum, any plan is a good one and yours sounds great! Do you think you will get more support if you tell your wife? I've told hubby in the past and he knows about my struggles lately. He knows my plan is to finish the wine I have in the fridge today and tomorrow, very slowly and Monday is my first day AF and I'm planning on being that way until November and I'll go from there.


          Been there done that

          Memarcie, thanks for message and good luck to you. Wife is very supportive..sometimes too much. Not sure why but I just want to do it this time quietly. I really don't have a good reason for not telling anyone.

          Today is day 3 and I don't plan on drinking.
          AF since 1/1/2011


            Been there done that

            Good luck today magnum. You're doing great so far. I'll be on my computer working today so check in anytime you need some help. You will do this.
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              Been there done that

              Hi Magnum,
              Just look at you relaps as the ultimate test... No you didn't fail my friend... You learned a life changing lesson.. You can do the 30 days- remembering how great and powerful you felt... You understand now that you will not be a social drinker... Some people never never learn that ... You are so wise to know that for yourself... You can do this for you... Take this one minute at a time if you have to.... We will be here for you... Take good care and stay with us to let us help you along your way... Do you have supps ?

              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                Been there done that

                Magnum, listen to these wise people ............ You CAN do this .....

                BB xx


                  Been there done that

                  Magnum - I echo BB. Just do it again. You can.

                  Much love to you.
                  Finding xx
                  :heart: c: :heart:
                  "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                    Been there done that

                    Thanks everyone. Day 3...Sober! Today was hard just out of shear boredom. tomorrow I'm back to work and that makes half the day easier right?
                    AF since 1/1/2011


                      Been there done that

                      Magnum, great for you on day 3! I have been slipping here and there and it is very tiring. One or two good days, then one bad day. I need to do 30 days straight. Tired of the rollercoaster. I am better than I was but not where I want to be. Need to worker harder and be stronger. I want to be tip top for this job interview, it's a biggee and it is coming soon.

                      Good luck Magnum! :h
                      Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                        Been there done that

                        Wonderful!!!!! On to day 4!
                        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                          Been there done that

                 day 4 is here and i'm.......SOBER! I'm pretty pysched about that and the Topa is really kicking in. I have to some friends coming for dinner tomorrow night so that's going to be hard but I thik i'm going to stay sober. Not sure what I'm going to use as an excuse but I think I'm not going to drink. You know what, heck with excuses.....I'm going to tell them I just don't feel like it.

                          HappyCamper....Come on, you can do it. Let's do it together, You in?
                          AF since 1/1/2011

