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    I WANT IT NOW!!!

    Star I am really glad you posted, I just bought lithium orotate online, pills and spray, and 5HTP because I cannot sleep for crap either. I think once you get some rest your outlook will be better in general. I am hoping for that for myself as well. Good luck hon and get to the store! :h
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


      I WANT IT NOW!!!

      Melatonin 3mg works for me
      Hope it gets better soon.
      Nancy Belle
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        I WANT IT NOW!!!

        Well, I got gaba and 1000 mg amino acids complex .........not the recommended brands, but best I could get as I was looking for help soonest and didn`t want to be having to wait on stuff arriving by mail. Need to check the composition of stuff I`ve bought in comparison to M.W.O. products.

        Thanks Nancy and all of you for identifying which supps you use to aid sleep........I forgot to get something for sleep at healthstore.......will decide which one to buy and pick it up tomorrow.

        Am feeling so much more positive now that I`ve taken steps towards improving my general health, and will appreciate that the supps may take a wee while to kick in.

        It`s a bit of a shame that I felt I couldn`t afford the time to wait for products from the site`s Health Store, but would like to order from there in time for my current supps running out, so would appreciate if anyone in U.K. who has ordered from the site, could tell me how long they waited for delivery.

        Thanks all,

        Starlight Impress x


          I WANT IT NOW!!!

          Star et all....I do hope sleep comes soon.. I remember it well, so recent. But now I realise I'm doing OK with it (and I hope it continues!!! bit of :fingers: selfishly here!)

          You've reminded me that, even before David went, I seriously thought I was going to have to succumb to anti-depressants but I remembered them from old in that I didn't sleep at all on them so that wasn't my plan as I thought maybe I was just low from the lack of sleep.... and that was only about 3-4 weeks ago.....Now, no probs. You guys got me over the worst of 'Ex-David' but I think the sleeping just sorted before he went and stayed OK through it.... I did use Benylin (like Benedryl I think in US, cough stuff here.) not the Non-drowsy one, the old drowsy one...the one you get actually over the pharmacy counter here in the UK...I've found over the years that breaking a pattern of non-sleep works well. A couple of nights sleep with that and, geronimo. Great thing is that I used to have to take x2 spoonfuls with half a bottle of wine but now x1 solo does nicely thank you!!!! (But if you're worriedabout the possible 0.05%alcohol in it - don't know but it didn't set me off!)

          I hope I'm not sounding arrogant and 'blowing a trumpet' here, just trying to reassure that I hope for you, and everyone else struggling with this, that it sorts soon....

          I certainly found that when I personally stopped worrying about the fact that I was only getting 5.5 - 6 hours sleep a night so I must be tired coz I realised I wasn't as tired as I thought I ought to be on so little (!), I did better! I was certainly here until 2am for ages! Not so now, 22.55 and I'm curling up soon now! Getting about 7 hours now.... But it was/is still so much better to have only 6hrs sleep and not be hungover!

          This 90 day thing seems to be just so in the brain clearing stakes - well, not really doubting but if it's in the newspapers, it is quite possibly a little adjacent!!!!

          I posted somewhere, sorry if repeating, I found a regular routine (never had one before apart from 1. Pass out....!) at bedtime helped. Time to meditate/pray. Read something gentle along those lines. Write my 5 Gratitudes for the day in my little book and think on them. Have my hotty bottle for my tummy (no fella!) and the CD I found of (for me) spiritual music (could be Angel music or dolphins or.....) on my Walkman phone under my pillow....
          I got scared to do without it as it became such a routine and I was sleeping but now, what the heck, I just like it!!! (And I don't listen to that CD at any other time so it really signifies sleep for me.)

          I pass this on with love and good thoughts - not to be 'right' but coz it worked for me.

          I can't imagine anti-deps now (even though thanks be to Docs and their little HRT patches!!!!) coz it passed....

          Here's to (can I still say that?; such a useful phrase!!! You know what I mean...) Here's to sound sleep all round tonight!

          Love and strength. :l :l
          Finding x
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            I WANT IT NOW!!!

            Yes, here's to a round of good sleeps !! Star, I'm so glad that you have gotten some supps for yourself.. Your determination inspires me. Hugs to you ,

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

