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Exercise Thread 24th August - Excuse my boo boo!

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    Exercise Thread 24th August - Excuse my boo boo!

    I posted this under an additional thread called "Ex.. Thread 23rd August"... I made a mistake about the date!

    Hi everyone,

    And thank-you Niblet for your enthuesiastic posts yesterday! They are truely appreciated. I love your goat by the way.

    Marshy and trixietrack, well done too. And Trixietrack, maybe now that you are exercising, your need and / or desire to drink will become less and less

    Well done to everybody who is reading this also and who didn't post. I understand that we sometimes don't get time to .

    Well, after my day off (exercise, not work as it turns out) i feel better and refreshed. I burned a lot of calories at work last night as it was quite busy (i work on my feet). I went for a short walk this morning and am working later today, which will be another workout in itself.

    Now, if only i can give up the chocolate biscuits! I am working on that. I am almost at the point where i want to go 'healthier'.

    I have also decided that this will be my first AF day again. I've been good over the last 3 months, only drinking at home twice (which is a definate no no for me) and a couple of times out, but could feel myself slipping. I know this when i consider buying a drink on the way home, so i am going to try to nip it in the bud and go AF again for a while. I feel so much better when i do.

    Anyhow, i hope everyone is doing well! And i and many others i imagine will look forward to hearing how you are.

    PS. Am watching Dr. Phil right now... gee those people make my life seem 'normal'. Lol.
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    Exercise Thread 24th August - Excuse my boo boo!

    Well, it's actually 12:05am here now, the other side of Friday morning!

    I went to work today after a brief walk, and might i say, i am feeling fantastic! More energy than before, a bit more clarity (probably due to cutting down on sugar) and just more balanced. I had a bit of anxiety earlier this week and while it still comes and goes, i was relatively free from it's grip tonight.

    Tomorrow, i am planning on checking out the gym (i know... i keep saying that... when will i ever get there?!).

    Oh yeah, i came closer to having the courage to follow my life mission today, you know, that little thing inside you that says what you should
    be doing rather than what you are doing. I just think mine is a spiritual journey to help people and i realised today, although i have known it all along (but not on such a conscious level), that i sold my values, integrity and 'person' out years ago and that's why i have been so anxious. Although i've known this all along as well, i've experienced having 'nothing' and now realise i have to reinvigorate my values and get some integrity back. It's amazing the little things we let go of along the way, until we feel like we have nothing or are nothing. I guess it is fear that does this to us (hurry up and earn money, you must buy a house etc., you must achieve).

    Well, strangely enough, i've just realised that achieving means so much more than just monetary wealth... I really feel like 'achieving' is the intangible process of building yourself, bit by bit, and adding to the world in the way that money can't...
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


      Exercise Thread 24th August - Excuse my boo boo!

      Hello Change, today I had a "fun-day" with my hubby... We crossed over into the United States to go shopping, went to subway for lunch (shared a wheat chicken sub with 5 grams of fat-Yummy ) and then enjoyed our sauna, hot tub and pool along with 3 glasses of wine.. No workout today but will catch up tomorrow.. My muscles are starting to feel more toned now.. I love working out with everybody !! See everybody tomorrow !! Hugs and sorry for playing Hookie today but it was FUN !! !!! ! !! !!! tee !! Heeee !!!

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

