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My mom

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    My mom


    I am so glad you are able to go to Florida. It will make you, your Mom and your Dad feel so much better. You are such a good daughter. Best of luck to your Mom - sound like she is in good hands now.

    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


      My mom

      I can't add much nor can I do much to help, but just to say I feel for you and hope things go well. Good thing to get down there and be with her at this time.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        My mom

        Marcie, my prayers are with your mom xx


          My mom

          Dear Memarcie,

          I was in somewhat the same predicament as you a few months ago. My dad and my husband had heart surgery the same day. I knew that my husband was going to be ok, but my dad, who lives thousands of miles away, was in very bad shape. He is a very private person and did not want his children with him during his surgery because he feels that he acts badly toward the nurses and he doesn't want us to see him behaving in a way that is out of character for him. After he was released from the hospital, he was readmitted on a couple of occasions, both times near death. Then he didn't want his kids to visit because he was feeling generally short-tempered and he was afraid of hurting our feelings. Fortunately, was in contact with him by phone on the days that he did not have a breathing tube. I STILL haven't seen him although, like you, I have plans to visit him this autumn.

          Today he called me and talked about having obtained an "old balloon tire bicycle" that he was riding for longer and longer distances. I felt so happy! NOBODY predicted that he would overcome his odds but he just keeps fighting. It is good that your mom has your dad with her. He can be her advocate while she is in the hospital and that is so important. Can you stay in touch by phone like I did? I could tell that my dad felt loved whenever I called and I certainly felt calmer just hearing his voice.

          Could it be that she would more greatly enjoy your visit this autumn when she's feeling better?

          I wish you emotional peace and your mom all of the best. I know how hard this is. Hang in there, sweetie:l :l and please keep us posted!:l

          :heart: E


            My mom

            Hi Marcie,

            I'm so sorry to hear the news about your mom's fall, but I'm glad to know that she is in good care now, and your father is with her. I'm sure that having you come to visit will mean a lot to her.

            It gets scarier and scarier as they get older. Hang in there, Marcie!


            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              My mom

              Just logged in. Marcie I'm thinkin about you bunches. Hang in there sweetie pie.
              Gabby :flower:


                My mom

                I just got off the phone with Mom and she sounds sooooo much better.
                She won't get to go home until tomorrow they did a head CT today and a bunch more tests. She has an awful kidney infection. They said that could have caused her so much pain it knocked her out and disoriented her as well. They really don't know exactly what happened, but they are trying to find out.

                Blood clots are gone so she's off the blood thinners too, that was great news! I get to see her in 4 days!


                  My mom

                  I am so HAPPY for you and her!!!! You have been in my thoughts!


                    My mom

                    That is so great to hear Marcie! I am glad you are able to catch a flight out soon as well. Keep us updated!!


                      My mom

                      That is good news marcie- @ least they are close to figuring it all out and she is making progress. Glad to hear it and so glad you are going to see her soon.

