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My mom

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    My mom

    Thinking of you M-hoping for the best. Just know your mom is in the good hands.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      My mom

      You guys are so smart! I like to pretend I'm a Dr. in real life but it does sound like your mom had a pulmonary embolism.
      She might need a vena cava filter to help prevent more blood clots reaching the lungs.

      It will be interesting to see what her diagnosis is.

      Keep us updated and I send you both hugs and prayers.


        My mom

        I just booked a flight to FL for next weekend. Thanks for the suggestion Flip. I was going to wait until Nov, but decided to go next weekend too.


          My mom


          I am glad you are going next week-end too. Keep us posted. Aging parents suck. Aging sucks period.


            My mom


            I am so glad that you are going to FL. Both of my parents are aging and quite ill. My dad passed out last month from standing up too fast - blood thinners. He is fine, with that anyway, now.



              My mom

              Great stuff Marcie, I don't think you will regret it. You'll feel better and she will feel very loved - which is important in recovery.


              It always seems impossible until it's done....


                My mom

                Marcie - what a week for you. Pat on the back for handling it... Take the time to do that wont you.

                Thinking so much about your Mom and Dad....mine are in their 80's a long way from me and when I see them next week I know it'll 'hurt' to see them so 'aged' and having heard about all their falls and pains....

                No matter how 'big' we get they're still our Mon and Dad and I'm sending prayers your and their way. I am glad you can fly there next week. Good to have that booked to aim for.

                Love and hugs strong lady. :l

                Finding x
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  My mom

                  Marcie - I'm so glad you're going! It will be good for your mom and for you as well.

                  Sending positive "vibes" your way!


                    My mom

                    I'm thinking of you.Glad you're going to Fl. next weekend.
                    Just to let you father-in-law developed a pulmonary embolism and passed out at home all by himself. The first day in the hospital was scary but he recoverd quite well and he is 90!!!! He's completely back to normal now.
                    Let us know how she's doing and hang in there.



                      My mom

                      Oh good Marcie. Keep us posted.

                      Yup-aging parents is hard. My mom is 69 & acts like she's pushing 60 and my dad-well he's aging (he's 75) and is getting deaf & forgetful. He developed a hole in his stomach & had emergency surgery on my son's 5th birthday party back in April and it was hard seeing him loaded on drugs laying in the hospital bed after developing pnemonia (complications). The hard part is that you grow up with these strong people all your life and start your own life and the next thing you know you turn around and see these fragile parents.

                      Keep us posted and if i don't get a chance: have a safe trip.
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        My mom

                        Oh dear Marcie!! I am going to put her on the Prayer Chain over in Subscriber.

                        What else happened this week? How was your interview?


                          My mom

                          Now I'm going to have to spank you young Ducky


                            My mom

                            I talked to mom for a couple minutes this morning, but she was off to therapy and couldn't talk. I don't even know what the therapy is for. I guess I'll find out later.

                            Dad found all sorts of weird stuff around the house, Mom had taken all the stuff out of her drawers in her nightstand and put the drawers in backwards. She put a bunch of monistat cream into a paper towel thing(ya know that cardboard core in the middle), she spilled a bunch of her pills and put them all in the wrong containers.

                            He thinks maybe she took some of the wrong pills so she was very confused and disorientated. She's on a lot of meds so that does make sense.

                            Anyway she did sound a little better on the phone this morning. I know they did some tests last night CT Scan, xray of her jaw(she also has an infected tooth), and lab work. She should get results on those today.

                            Thanks everyone


                              My mom

                              AWW I'm soo sorry about your Mom, that is just the worst ! I hope everything works out for you... I'll say a prayer for all you and yours. Take Good Care, Hugs,

                              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                                My mom

                                I am glad you are able to make it there to see mommy. I am sure everything will be ok and it's always nice to see your mama. :h
                                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

