suze, don't worry about what you are consuming too much in these early days. I say it is better to wean yourself down from your sugar cravings than just stopping all together. Our bodies are so use to intaking all of the sugar and empty calories from the alcohol. I don't have a sweet tooth, but found the first week I craved things that were sweet. I bought a bag of M&M's or Smarties and had a few when the cravings were bad. It seemed to help - and this way you can regulate your portions. These cravings went away quite quickly as I started to wean down from the junk food and started to force myself to eat a lot of whole grains and protein.
There has been a lot of great advise here. Apples and peanut butter are a good option. You are getting a lot of good vitamins, your natural-ish sugars and with all of the fibre it will keep you full longer.
Just remember to eat several small portions of real food a day. This will help regulate the glucose levels in your body, will give you energy and will also keep you satisfied so you won't binge on the junk foods. It will also help you lose weight.