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Exercise Thread 27th August

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    Exercise Thread 27th August

    I had to really think to get the date right today. Lol.

    I'm a bit tired today due to lack of sleep last night.

    Yesterday, when i got off here, i sought out a gym. After much trepidation, i finally found one of the ones i was looking for (all those hidden stairways, why don't gyms have large 'noticable' street fronts?! Most of them do, it was just this little gem that didn't).

    So, i find this gym that specialises in mind / body health and instead of doing all those aerobics classes, which aren't for me, they have a huge yoga / pilates timetable, so i did yoga. Nice feeling, i need to do it more though cos my body is a bit tight.

    But anyway, did the class and about 50 mins of walking all round, so i am pretty happy.

    Off to work now, which means i'll have to postpone my plan for a walk Oh well, hopefully they'll let me out early.
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    Exercise Thread 27th August

    Hello there Reow, as your day is beginning my day is winding down and the full moon has risen... I just wanted to greet you and say that sometimes a change in routine is just what the doctor ordered... Yoga would be such a great all around excercise for everybody... I'll have to give it a "toot" sometime ... LOL I mean try... I'm just settling in for the night and am looking so forward to tomorrows workout already.. I posted a new thread in the "focus on fitness" to invite people to join us here... It would be awesome for more and more people to experience what we all do here... Have a wonderful day and if you sneak in a walk great, and if not, then there is always tomorrow.... Your job sounds very physical as it is... Take care, Hugs,

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      Exercise Thread 27th August

      Hi Niblet,

      Joyful as usual

      I wasn't aware of the focus on fitness forum (or maybe i was, but haven't checked there yet), so i'll go and have a look.

      Yep, today i didn't get my walk in, but they had me running all day at work. I reckon i did about 4kms there today, so that makes up for my walk.

      Tomorrow, i am really looking forward to going to the gym and doing a workout. I think that's when i'll feel the full results - nothing like a workout. The first two weeks of exercise are usually a conditioning to me, the real work begins after that.

      I am so tired :ranger oke: , so i will sleep well tonight and get up earlish for a walk and ... joining the gym.. (i almost feel like i am cursing myself by saying i am going to join!).
      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


        Exercise Thread 27th August

        I'm In!!

        Change and Niblet,

        I was inspired by XTexan and Satori and others, so decided exercise is one of my new hobbies.

        Living out of hotels and trying the crowded exercise rooms is not for me. So, I have packed my tennies and T-shirt and walking pants. I will start walking every morning before breakfast. I also packed my swim suit and I will (gasp) swim in the evenings instead of sitting at a bar, even if the poor guests have to look at this 50 year old body in a swim suit.

        I did take a good 1 mile walk with my dog, Poulan, last night, so I have started.

        Take care all and I'll be posting my progress.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Exercise Thread 27th August

          Keep up the good work everyone. I was going to swin a few kilometers in the lake at my
          cottage yesterday which would have taken an hour or so. Anyway, I put on the wet suit and dove in but soon realized this wasn't going to happen, it was just too cold. Yes, I did say I had a wet suit on . I went for a 10K run instead with my doggie and that was great, the cool temps outside were just right .



            Exercise Thread 27th August

            Well hello there Cindi !!! What a great healthy new hobby you have chosen !! I'm sure if Poulan could talk then he would say, " woof ! woof !! WOOOOOF !!!!" What a lucky doggy you have,, They love going for walks and it makes them feel sooo special ! Nicely done !!

            And, Robert, I'm from Northern Ontario and our lakes here aren't even quite as cold as yours perhaps... Are you on the coast of the ocean? or lake Superior? A 10 k run is amazing... You are awesome !!!

            Today I'll do my usual workout that I just love to do. I'll just have to find something on TV to amuse my mind at the same time... ha !! ha !! Have a great day everybody and I'll check in a little later,

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


              Exercise Thread 27th August


              i would love to jump in here, if I may! I am on my day 10 AF and am finally feeling good. I have been trying to get myself back to the gym for about a year. I have gained about 20 pounds over the last two years due to two pretty serious a surgeries, not being able to exercise and drinking too much. I also tend to eat too much when I drink, so that didn't help matters at all! That's my health story in a nutshell. I have the OK from my doctor, I am doing acupuncture, in the middle of a 60 day cleanse and have my gym membership in hand! I have a plan, too.. Drop DD off at school, head to the gym for 1 hour, then I have an hour to get showered, coffee and be up to the spa (i own a day spa). Luckily I can set my own hours, so I just adjusted my start time to come in an hour later. I am going to do this!

              Ready to shake my tailfeathers... MM
              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                Exercise Thread 27th August

                Good For You MM !!! That sounds like an awesome Plan !!! You must be really feeling much better !!! Welcome to our excercise group !!!! We love having you !
                Today I did the same ol' same ol excercise that I love love love,,,, 45 minutes on the eliptical/bike really sweating !!! abdominals on the floor, pushing a bit more as my back isn't bothering me like it usually does when I do this... then I did my bowflex for my arms and legs... Change, did you happen to read the focus on fitness thread that I started ? I read it for myself and I think I posted it before my morning coffee because it was loaded with typos !!! Keep up the awesome work everybody WE ROCK !!!!!! Hugs,

                ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                  Exercise Thread 27th August

                  Thank you so much for being so inspiring Niblet

                  And welcome to meditation mama, of course you can jump in! It's good to hear everybody's stories as they are all different in some way.

                  Db2, don't worry about the body stuff... we're all gonna get there one way or another (if we are lucky). I'm just so glad you have found something that inspires you... Keep up the good work!

                  Robert Smith, i am so jealous. I wish i could walk 10k's, little lone run it!

                  Anyhow, that's all from me now. It's now the 28th and i am about to start the new thread. New thread for a new day.
                  One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

