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Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate?

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    Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate?

    Re: Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate

    I Agree Kathy,

    I also at this point usually just use part two of the hypno and the clearing cds. God forbid that I use part one of the clearing cd and go looking for that darn beach bar again!! :lol Seriously though, they really are quite helpful if you can calm yourself down and go with the flow so to speak.



      Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate?


      Oh pleaseee.......... You think he talks should live in the south!!:rollin

      Maybe it would help the males in our group to have a sweet female voice say "verrrry niceeee "!

      Maybe even a southern girl say "verrry niceee sweety pie"!!! did take me awhile to get used to the way he speaks. I do giggle when I go outside and sit on my hummock!!!

      Lighten up Rock!!!!!!


        Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate?

        Re: Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate

        Has anyone done the "self hypnosis" yet? I've done it about 3 times now and it is really great. You know how James tells you to count from 0 to 20 then give yourself suggestions. That way it is fast, I listen to the stream, then go right off to sleep. I have not tried it during the day although it might be interesting to see if I can bring myself out and be wide awake and feeling wonderful.

        Donna Mc.


          Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate?

          Re: Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate


          Are you talking about doing without the help of James?? If so my answer is no. What do you mean you listen to the stream?



            Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate?

            Re: Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate

            Hi Rock.

            First let me say you won't be booted off this board, and certainly we won't edit or remove your message just because it's unflattering. I would, however, like to respond to your comments and see if we can get this working for you. Also, I think it's important to address your post because it's easy to "project" success or failure when it comes to the hypno for others who are unfamiliar with it, are just starting out, or are wondering if it'll work for them. This has always been a concern of mine. I truly believe in the power of positive thinking and that it works both ways....

            The suggestions above are really good (putting yourself in the proper state of mind, trying the CDs a few times before writing them off, ensuring that your surroundings are very quiet and calm, etc.) One of the most important things to remember is what James says right up front and I'm convinced this is critical because it's how our brains want to work: and that is to try and "not analyze" the process. Perhaps that's the challenge. It's also often difficult for many of us, high achievers that we are, to settle ourselves for any extended period of time, but it's important to do so to achieve deep relaxation.

            Anyone who's read the message board for some time can assure you we've always encouraged members to incorporate whatever works when it comes to supplements, motivational techniques, alternative practices, etc. As stated above, the program is highly customizable and we've tried to provide a framework based on the program I developed for myself. But if you're not going to use this system, do be sure to find something else that will replace that behavior modification piece, address the drinking triggers and provide positive visualization...that's very, very important. As you've probably read, many people who opt out of taking the medication rely heavily on the other elements of the program; particularly the hypnotherapy because it's so powerful in changing behavior.

            Like you, others have commented on James' pronunciation of certain words and I noticed it myself when I first used his system--in fact, I've addressed this on the board before. I thought some words sounded a bit quirky, but figured everyone's speech is a result of regional dialects or other factors and found the techniques so effective, it was simply not an issue. I tested a number of hypnotherapy systems when I developed this program and didn't find anything that came close (at least for me, but again, I encourage everyone to seek out the most appropriate solution for them. Alway have.)

            And everyone is different, so there's really no right or wrong here. For example, you mentioned your dislike of the words "very nice" and just last week a thread popped up about how endearing many people found the term. Much of this may simply be a matter of personal taste.

            I've received a great deal of mail from people who have told me they've purchased CDs from James after using MWO's because they wished to address other personal and health issues and have found his Clearing/Hypnotic/Subliminal/Sleep Learning system extremely effective. I tell you this not to undermine your position because obviously you have strong feelings about this and they are valid. But I would like to encourage you to give the recordings a little more time (and certainly we'll issue a refund if you're unsatisfied. This program is about helping people, not ripping them off. Just call the toll free and we'll take care of it.)

            Good luck.



              Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate?

              I have a solution!

              RJ, I am an audio engineer and have recorded several audio books. I would be more than happy to help rerecord these CD's.

              I didn't have the time to thouroughly read all of the post ahead of me, so if I am saying something useless, I apologise.

              PLEASE let me know if there is anything I can do to improve apon these recordings. I felt that the mispronunciations were bad, but they are NOTHING compared to the quality of the recording itself. I WANT to listen to them, but my ears are trained to distinguish quality recordings versus really bad sound and it is near impossible for me to focus. AGAIN let me know if I can help in any way. It would be my pleasure.



                Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate?

                Re: I have a solution!

                Thanks, Temple, very kind of you.

                I've actually got something cooking with James; I talked with him about this a few months ago and it's been on the back burner. Re-recording will be quite expensive--his time, all tracks mixed, etc., so we haven't been able to swing it yet, but if/when we do, we can address any other fine tuning.

                Feel free to EZInbox me if you'd like to get in touch and thanks again.



                  Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate?

                  Thank you all for your encouragement, esp. RJ

                  I as I explained, was so excited about the arrival of the CDs that I couldn't wait to get started. Having been a language major, I get CRAZY about mispronunciations, which are very difficult for me personally to get beyond - a complete distraction.

                  I spent all day working the program - read the book, took some multivitamins and minerals and herbals that I have on hand, ate and drank healthy (I am an Atkins-type eater so avoiding the sugar and white foods, as I call them is rather easy - not so easy overdoing the protein. I gave the CDs another chance - I have only to do the subliminal tonight when I go to bed and per the book, will not play them in my DVD player (which turns off) but use a bedside player that I can put on loop.

                  I enjoyed the hypnotic and and subliminal CDs. I will try to go back and listen to the clearing CD again. I don't know what is on them, exactly, but I have not been drinking at all today, not even tempted so something is going on here. I am not going to be doing the Topa; I unfortunately already got into Xanax during a divorce; I read elsewhere that Xanax can be a good short-term diversion while withdrawing from alcohol. The answer for me will be complete abstinence, and then getting of the xanax.

                  Thank you for listening, and for your kind responses. I won't even try to justify myselfa


                    Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate?

                    Re: Thank you all for your encouragement, esp. RJ

                    Hi Rock,

                    We have an abs group going on right now that we would love to have you join if you would like. If you go back to the list of discussion groups, I believe it is about the fith one down. It is called Spruce Up For Summer. Also, we are working on another abs group for June.

                    So glad to hear you gave the cds another try! Like I said in my earlier post, when you try the clearing cd, try breaking it up into two half hour sessions so it is not so long. It makes it easier to get used to at first!

                    Best of luck to you Rock!



                      Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate?

                      Re: Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate


                      I felt a little underwhelmed at first, but like several people have said, I really like part 2 of hypno and also do my own personal hypno routine starting with the counting from 0-20. I disregarded the quirky pronounciations figuring that was the subliminal part that I wasn't suppose to analyze.

                      The 'verry nice' really grew on me quickly. I use it a lot in everyday conversations now and it's fun to use because it means sooo much more in my life than the people I'm talking to can ever know!

                      I accepted/rationalized the price to be a matter of sales volume and hope that profits lead to development of other books and CDs. In the long run I hope the price of that series drops for newcomers who can't quite swing the cost.

                      Try it, don't hesitate to return it, everybody is different and it looks like there are other hypno options.

                      Verrry nice :rollin


                        Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate?

                        Re: Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate

                        Hi all,
                        Well, I didn't notice the pronunciation of "hammock" but I noticed that once I was perhaps on an "ele" - "escalator". The speaker corrected himself and that took me right out of my relaxed state. I might have it reversed from "esce" - "elevator". I did notice the first couple of times but it didn't bother me after that. One thing that I wonder if anyone else got into was that to go "down, down, down" could be to a dark and frightening place. I was hypnotised before and that's what I thought when the hypnotist suggest to go DOWN. This time, I recognized where we were going so I placed a nice, happy, sunny place to go to instead of a dark, frightening "hellish" place. This could be my upbringing coming in to play here. I haven't listened for so long and now I have to do that again


                          Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate?

                          Re: Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate

                          Your rant is very funny -- I was laughing out loud, especially about the esCUlator.
                          He also says "as much as you PRESENTLY can" at the beginning, when he clearly means "POSSIBLY can." And the interminable "arms heavy," "arms VERY heavy, "legs heavy," "legs VERY heavy," "body heavy" etc etc. gets old very soon.
                          But I've gotten used to it and usually fall asleep before it's over. The subliminal and sleep CDs are much more pleasant, but no sure they do anything.


                            Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate?

                            Re: Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate

                            HI, Bett - glad you liked my rant. You too bring up some good points. I like the other CDs, better, too, but not sure they are doing everything. Going to go back and try 'em again tonite.


                              Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate?

                              Re: Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate

                              I got mine today and boy not sure what the heck I'm in for!

                              RJ- is there a policy if you just can't get past the distractions?


                                Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate?

                                Re: Oh Pulleeze! These CDs are worthless! Can anyone relate

                                Learning to relax is a big problem. I dare say that someone from the northeast would enjoy listing to someone from the deep south or the other way around. I'm sure I would sound wierd to some of you as you would to me and I'm not going to let that get in my way of any benefit I might get from the CD's. Please try to keep an open mind. I had to make myself respond and get into the suggestions. I have never been hypnotized and wouldn't know how I am supposed to feel, but my (PCP) Dr. told me, at the time I saw him about this program, that he had used hypnotic therapeutic cd's for other reasons and they had worked for him. One thing I do know, I was having trouble sleeping, and after the first week into the program and listening to the Sleep to Sleep Learning CD, I fall asleep right away. I am doing the entire program as suggested for the period of 30 days. At that time, I will stop the CDs and the Sups and see how I do. I will continue the Topomax and Vitimines. I really don't think you will know If the CD's are worthless until you have used them for the suggested amount of time. You certainly aren't going to realize any benefit from them on the first day. Give them a chance. E

