Hello to everyone,
I have copied and pasted a post that I made on Luv's 30 day thread, because I would like responses from a wider audience......
Here is what I posted on that thread........
Morrison and Luv,
I have not been here so often because the last week or so I have been on holiday and before that I was posting on another 30 day thread.
Where am I with drinking?
If I am off it and not drinking then it's pretty easy for me - I dont.
If, at the moment, I am, I want to drink pretty damn quickly and as much as I can and just go to sleep.
I know this is not good and I am hiding from something in my life,...but that is how it is at the moment.
I would like to be AF. Forever.
But, I need to get to that place mentally.
Would some of you other members who have been AF for a long time, put down in words some of your positive inner thoughts that keep you sober and away from the bottle.
I think I would like to refer to them.