ANyway, bottom line, i'm alive and very happy to be so. It's been one of the most disturbing things I've ever done. My mom told me I should write about it and it would help. I thought if I shared it would be good.
Strangely enough, a lot of good has come of this and i have realised how much my friends REALLY love and support me. I have been struggling to go to therapy for money reasons and they have offered to group together and pay for me .
My father committed suicide and I always vowed I would never do it as long as my mother was alive.
I thank God for my life and a chance to try again. For anyone who feels like it's the only way out, it isn't. Talk to your people, you would be amazed how much they're willing to help, if you'd only ask.
Bless you all,
PS I spelt suicide incorrectly and you can't edit the heading! I hate spelling incorrectly, spelling is one of my forte's