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anyone up for a chat?
anyone up for a chat?
Hey Andrea.
People use the chat for different reasons. You can go in if you see someone in there and feel like you want to talk about... well, just about any old thing. Usually it's about the program. A lot of times, I will look to the bottom of the page and see who is logged on at that time, then maybe go see who is in the chat room and check in on my "buddies". Other times, you meet someone new in there, and get to know them a bit more on a personal level, and get to know what their struggle is at that time.
When one ends up in the chat room, usually, (maybe speaking from personal experience...) they are looking for support and something to DO!
If a couple people start chatting to "kill time" as you put it, and you have an issue that you'd really like to discuss, PLEASE bring it up! Lots of times we get carried away joking or whatever, but ALWAYS want to hear the important issues and give advice/support as best as possible.
I, personally, never feel as though anyone is "invading" or "interrupting" if someone joins the room, but do always like to ask when I enter a conversation if a couple people are chatting...
The chat is a great thing! Addicting too! I've spent many an hour AWAY from my wine glass and gaining a lot of help from my friends here. Stuff I couldn't or wouldn't ask my friends from home.
That was a long answer. As usual.... : Geez, hope it wasn't a rhetorical question. :eek
Hope to see you in there!
anyone up for a chat?
Hi Andrea,
For those of us who have been around for awhile, chat has been one of the more helpful components in maintaining abs or mods. If you were on chat, and it seemed like the conversation was not directed specifically to MWO issues - that is probably more a reflection of the fact that the people on chat are much more comfortable with their programs and don't need to spend as much time with the basic nuts and bolts.
Many of us check in each day to see how everyone else is doing (not just drinkwise) in their lives. Being on chat keeps my mind active and my drinking glass empty. Plus, there have been many friendships forged on chat - so the conversation does not sound like a business meeting or a group therapy session.
I can tell you that I have NEVER seen a new person treated shabbily on chat. If you are new and have questions, simply state that on chat. "I am new and have questions about the program." Generally, the board will stop and redirect to answer your questions. Of course, there could always be other conversations going on at the same time. That is the nature of chat.
I think that many people save their more serious thinking for the boards. On the boards, people have time to engage in reflection over a period of days and mull over what they want to communicate in an exacting way. These issues deserve the kind of introspection and critical examine that chat, or spontaneous conversation, would not foster. We also get to check our typing!
So, if you are in chat - speak up. Do not feel that you are interrupting. Usually, you will find one or two people well versed in the program who can answer your questions. You may also post questions on the board, if you require more info.
Good luck,
anyone up for a chat?
mmmm..welllll..spontaneous conversation does bring out the spontaneous in all of us & so that was in fact my very own experience in the chat room when I had a question the very first time I entered & was loudly criticised off for being "critical" -- it was in fact a bad day for alll -- but that is in fact "the" nature of chat rooms. It was my own fault as well as all of ours goes community life reality....not sure I will enter the chat room again..but love reading the boards