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The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy

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    The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy

    Lots of folks have already touched on, and/or realized the part that hormone imbalance plays in peri-menopausal, and menopausal women. This book written my Dr. Micheal Platt, is very good! Also, I know she's Suzanne Somers has alot of resources and Dr's at her reach, and her books....The Sexy Years, and Ageless, are really great...I can say from horrid experience, and repo. cancer, and surgical menopause, that it sure played a big part in my slipping, and in my "recovery"....couldn't have done it without this site, folks, and getting un-nutty from hormones! Go to Amazon and look at the cover of this'll be amazed at how many things, ADHA, arthritis, weight gain, unbalanced hormones cause! I do my test every 6 mos. so I'm not pin-headed!.....LOL.....
    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

    The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy

    I meant to say....the part it plays in our tendancy to not cope and not handle moderation and/or slipping....the mental and emotional aspects of "handling" period, just about eveything, but being imbalanced sure doesn't help anything...I know my "triggers" aren't as affecting if I'm chilled out and leveled out hormone wise...esp.
    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


      The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy

      Thanks Toughintexas -(um, I was going to type TIT for ease...I wont!!! Um, LOL! and sorry! )

      I will check out those on Amazon - hormones flying about at 49....getting there though! Soooh much better without booze but, yes, ovulation (?! still) and period can be a bit of a demand on me - pain and blah stuff!!!

      Thanks for posting about it for us! It's good to hear all these options.

      Hope all is well for you.
      Finding x
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy

        Hey, you can call me TIT, I'm used to it! If it didn't run me off the very first night on chat, back You are welcome for the info., read the stuff, its really interesting! And remember, you can call me whatever, just call me....he he he....
        "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


          The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy

          TIT will always be favorite TIT!!!!


            The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy

            That sure makes alot of good sense to me !!! Us gals can use all the help we can get our lil' ol' hands on !!!! Thanks Hon,

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


              The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy

              Hi TIT, I have Suzanne Summers books. I should start to read them again. I know I am perimenopause. Doctor says I won't be in menopause until I don't have a period for 1 year. Haven't had on since end of March and that was a doosy! I know my moods and depression is from this. Had my hormones checked a year ago. I should have them checked again. I'll have to check out the other book you mentioned. Thanks, for the infor.
              Blessings, Angel


                The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy

                Talk about aging fast. I went into early menopause (perimenopause-- when I was 38). I've had my period three times at the most in the last three years. I never thought I'd miss having my period, but I do. Now I feel old, and my body has changed so much, and my emotions have been all over the place the past few years (for a variety of reasons, I'm sure), but I am definitely going to read the book because curiosity has gotten the better of me. Oh, the joys of being a woman.



                  The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy

                  Thank you for posting this - am almost 49 and have been wondering whether 'hormones' had/have something to do with my downward spiralling in the last couple of years, something, like ageing, I'm probably also in denial of. Will definitely check out those books.



                    The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy

                    This sounds interesting, Thit.

                    Do you know what the difference is between this and the "normal" HRT treatment? Is it more natural?

                    Sorry for sounding so thick Thit.


                      The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy

                      This is soooo good it should be read all over again !!!

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy

                        I understand you are involved in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy as a career. When do you recommend woman start testing their hormone levels? How often? Are the replacments expensive? Can you inject them yourself or must they be administered by a nurse?
                        I know I have more questions! I have SS's Ageless book and want more info.
                        Thanks, Dx
                        * * I love Determinator * *


                          The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy

                          Hi ladies,
                          I have Slim n sexy forever, and did try the bio-identical hormones for about a year. I had early menopause, but the doctor I went to did not seem to really "tailor" the mix for me, a very busy office and it felt like crank em in and out. Anyway, I stopped, it seems I am done with the menopause, if I can find a good progressive alternative med kind of doc nearby I may bring it up again. I love Suzanne Somers and have her cookbooks, she got me off the sugar thing and for that alone I am grateful. :h Suz
                          The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                            The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy

                            I am glad you started this thread. I never had the problems with drinking I do now until I hit the fun peri-menopause years, around 47. I'm 51 and still going through it! Not fair!

                            I remember telling my docs that I thought my drinking escalated along with my perimenopause stage, and they all gave me a blank look.

                            By the way, I HATE docs.

                            I don't blame them for my problem. But I do blame them for being ignorant and over paid.


                              The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy

                              Hey guys, sorry, was gone a few days! Dr's really aren't educated in hormones, so they really don't understand...I hate that...a woman normally healthy, that decides she just doesn't feel right...can't sleep, fatigue, aches, weight gain, anxiety, usually get, Ambien, Xanax, Lexapro, and a diet pill....GRRRRRR.....just adds insult to injury, masks the problem, doesn't fix it! We see it DAILY....and we sell the Rx's, but I've just been there, done that, and it doesn't help much. We are certified in bio-identical hormone therapy for men and women...and in endocrinology and adrenal gland me on this too...for all the drinking we've done, and stressing over that, we have adrenal gland issues just from the sugar contents....We have the test kits FREE from our pharmacy, you check the hormones you want analyzed, and put a check or CC in the box and send it to ZRT labs, its a saliva test, that's the only accurate way to test for residual hormone levels....blood is for the thyroid issues...Dr. Zava is a great friend and mentor of ours, they will fax us back the results, and you can see where you's some sites ya'll may enjoy....
                              ZRT - ZRT Laboratory
                              ZRT - ZRT Laboratory
                              Treat hormonal imbalance, menopause symptoms, perimenopause naturally — women's health
                              also, there's other sites in the back of the books I mentioned...You are all welcome to e-mail me anytime, I'll give you our pharmacy e-mail, and can answer more questions....
                              "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

