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Kudzu salad

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    Kudzu salad

    Yes - but you would only ever drink one glass - the alcohol IS addictive - but the kudzu stops you wanting more -

    I sense a business opportunity coming on!


    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


      Kudzu salad

      Ok-I normally stay out of these things but this irritated me.

      Why are we picking on Lamentation?

      If you read the bio-this person is hurting. The posts yesterday I do admit got me puzzled. Ok-something strange that we are not used to. So why not pm the person & ask before attacking? If you don't like the posts-don't answer them. I looked them over was confused & left it at that. If the posts continued and I was bothered I'd let RJ know. She is the Queen Bee. Let het pass judgement to whether or not a person should be here or not. Who knows if lamentation was under the influence when writing. There is a person here who pops in every once in awhile and writes poems under the influence. So this person blurted out a weird topic that we're not used to. Didn't bother me-I just ignored it because I had nothing to say about it.

      If you look up Lamentation 3:59 , which I did out of curiosity because I give everyone the benefit of the doubt when they come here. It states:"Oh Lord, hast seen my wrong: judge thou my cause". Ok-I'm not sharp on my Bible verses-maybe there's an underlying issue. But for whatever reasons if I were a Newbie I'd be put off by the name calling & attacks on someone new.

      Bottom line: if you're offended by someone let RJ know. Let her handle it before things get ugly.

      Sorry to offend because I love & respect you all but I just can't stand name calling & bitterness in a place where I come for balance in my life.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        Kudzu salad

        Great marketing campaign...BIRD? How was the salad????


          Kudzu salad

          Kudzu salad?
          You are making me hungry. I love salads. Yum


            Kudzu salad

            Must try the top


              Kudzu salad

              I picked some of it last eve and ate a small bit. I was still alive this A>M and took some to work to have in my salad. It tastes like raw spinich. I still wanted beer after work though but managed to get home without it. I will try eating a bit more of it this week and see how it goes. I saw a book of kudzu recipes also. Bird


                Kudzu salad

                keep us posted


                  Kudzu salad

                  shouldnt it be the root? perhaps grated on the salad, or not.



                    Kudzu salad

                    Bird you crack me up :H , let us know what other recipes you try.

                    I'll take your word on it that it's ok, anyone who can tame and ride a Shmoo is OK in my books!

                    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                      Kudzu salad

                      I saw Alton Brown on food network eat some, during his show on eating as a road warrior or eating his way across America on his motorcycle. He just grabbed the leaves and started chomping on it. I would just make real sure it is kudzu, sounds like you did and survived, Bird! Grows like mad around here too!
                      The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                        Kudzu salad

                        It said you could eat the whole plant flowers and all.Said you could fry the leaves in a batter and make chips,make tea and blah blah blah. Said the Japanese make sculptures out of it. bird


                          Kudzu salad

                          Who would have ever known...

