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Why am i so pissed!

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    Why am i so pissed!

    hey everyone & good evening to you all
    while i feel much better about life in general when i'm not drinking - i get so pissed off at the slightest irritation. i'm totally frustrated with everything and just want to get hammered. did any of you feel this way when you went AF? my temper has become so short, i feel like a time bomb lately. any suggestions?

    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

    ~Red :h

    Why am i so pissed!

    did you read the book? RJ talks about how she got very irritable very early on into her alcohol withdrawal. I experienced the same thing and I have heard the same from others. If you recognize it as such it is easier to deal with it. I think we are angry that we have to deal with this and give up our friend, and part of it is a physical response of our body. the supplements should help as well. It will only last a short time. Hang in there.
    If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


      Why am i so pissed!

      Am with rottrod there - have experienced the same. It might also be that you are now actually confronted with the dissatisfaction/unhappiness you blotted out with alcohol. Would sit it out for a bit though before making life changing decisions.

      You can do it!


        Why am i so pissed!

        This happened to me too (many times, I should add). I remember telling my therapist that I felt cheated because after giving up alcohol my life got worse, not better. I was irritated, edgy and depressed. She said nothing in response. Wish I had found this site by then. I mean, would it have been so hard for her to tell me this is natural and it too will pass? That's all I f***ing needed to keep me going. But no, she just sat there and smiled, nodding her head. That's how my first of many relapses started.

        Now I know this time-bomb phase only lasts for a short period and -- this is a BIG AND -- the supps help it so much. They really take that edge off of the first days AF.

        Hope you are feeling better Red. How's the weather over there? I doubt it can be much colder than where I live. We had to turn our indoor heating on in mid-August.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

