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RJ take note of flip, pls everyone take note of flip!!

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    RJ take note of flip, pls everyone take note of flip!!

    Flip I think you are very sad, I was not attacking you,what is your problem trying to spoil this thread and site for those who needs it. Now people will keep a watch on you, you have brought attention to yourself.


    RJ take note of flip, pls everyone take note of flip!!


    I have tried to read through previous posts and am not sure why this post is neccessary.

    Lamb, we are all here to help each other, but I feel that you are very paranoid about that. You haven't written much about yourself or your feelings and I can appreciate that it can be hard to do so, but I don't think that by attacking other people is going to help in anyway.

    It seems that all that has been said by yourself about MWO and members has been on the negative side.


      RJ take note of flip, pls everyone take note of flip!!

      lamb is a wolf in sheep's clothing


        RJ take note of flip, pls everyone take note of flip!!

        or perhaps "mutton dressed as Lamb" !!! LMAO

        Starlight Impress x


          RJ take note of flip, pls everyone take note of flip!!

          Like I already said guys... Mint Sauce! Oh and Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes and loads of fresh veg!


            RJ take note of flip, pls everyone take note of flip!!

            Oh and Flip - apparently "you have brought attention to yourself" - how very dare you - I on the other hand have been the soul of discretion and played like a nice girl all day - LOL!!!!


              RJ take note of flip, pls everyone take note of flip!!

              i must be in a bad mood because the nutjob did not bother me last nite but today i despise the nutjob.


                RJ take note of flip, pls everyone take note of flip!!

                Crickey - I'll be a senior member before I know it at this rate - thanks Lambkins - I've had fun this morning!


                  RJ take note of flip, pls everyone take note of flip!!

                  Ducky, don't let them drive you Quackers - I might have to say Orange Sauce to you - right I promise to stop this now - I'm annoying myself let alone you guys!


                    RJ take note of flip, pls everyone take note of flip!!

                    As far as I can tell, Flip has been a valued member of the board for quite a while now. Her quirky sense of humor is wonderful, and she is serious and supportive when the situation calls for it. She also has quite a bit of experience with sobriety.

                    So your complaint is.......????
                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      RJ take note of flip, pls everyone take note of flip!!

                      null and void!!!! LMAO


                        RJ take note of flip, pls everyone take note of flip!!

                        everyone loves flip. the nutjob is jealous. i think there are boards for jealousy. if not, the nutjob can start one.


                          RJ take note of flip, pls everyone take note of flip!!

                          WOW, still here...
                          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                            RJ take note of flip, pls everyone take note of flip!!

                            he will be squashed soon and leave licking his wounds- the f*cker


                              RJ take note of flip, pls everyone take note of flip!!

                              It seems this site has now become a place to "push and pull everyone" apart what happened to the support surely that is mainly what we all aim for or come here for??? or is this blonde losing her mind ........ "giggle" oh Starlight well done on the 30/31 AF...

